This is a holding area for (current year) past postings, temporary items removed from the front page, or items "under construction"
Current year archives for are here
Earlier archives for, for years 2003 and earlier, have been migrated to this
Earlier archives for, for year 2004, have been migrated to this
Morro Bay Politics
Holding page
for extra ads's
Master Table of Contents updated continuously
Google Base says "Google Base is a place where you can add all types of information that we'll host and make searchable online."
Who needs Microsoft Office to create or share the occasional letter or spreadsheet? Use and for free. This is a glimpse of the future -- there is not much reason to have expensive applications running on many PCs when these things can now be done online for free. Here is my sample publicly viewable "social" spreadsheet that you can view online. Here is my sample publicly viewable document that you can view online. documents that you create online can also be saved as Word ".doc" files on your hard drive. These utilities allow you to easily share and collaborate with others in the creation of such documents.
Windows Live -- With a new Web site called "Windows Live," Microsoft hopes to create a new platform that will unfasten some of its applications from a computer hard drive. Microsoft Office Live is also coming soon in 2006.
Thurs. Jan. 5, 2006 --Microsoft Security Response Center Bulletin Notification - - Microsoft's "Emergency" security update should be downloaded by all Windows users immediately. Go to using Internet Explorer.
2006 BirdFest Activities Sponsored by The Museum of Natural History -- (Word document, .pdf version)
Program and registration information for the 2006 Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival, Jan. 13-16, 2006, in Morro Bay, CA, is at the all new site
Book signing by local author Jack Morrow -- a powerful new novel The Consortium -- Sat. Jan. 21, 2006, 1 - 3PM at Coalesce Bookstore, 845 Main Street in Morro Bay. This book exposes the explosive potential of corporate-controlled free trade in a fictional story of suspense, bribery, deception and murder. A book of the month selection by Wizard of Words Book Club.
Testimonial: 11-14-05 "We just returned from a wonderful four day stay in Morro Bay. We just wanted you to know that we used quite a bit during last week's preparations. Thank you for such a fine resource. We brought our own kayaks, and paddled three mornings. We also hiked at Coon Creek in Montaña de Oro. Thanks to we decided to stay in Morro Bay, and we ate most of our meals there. If it weren't for your web site we probably would have stayed in San Luis Obispo. Mark & Sharon Wedegaertner -- Ukiah, CA"
Professional Photographers use DigitalRailroad to communicate with clients - is my personal photo portal linking to
Sun Salutations. Sun., Jan. 1st, New Years Day, 2006 --- 3-5 p.m.,
Cloisters Park, Highway 1, North Morro Bay, Free or by donation.
100% proceeds to benefit Museum of Natural History. Free parking, free
admission, no experience needed. Info: Jenny B. (805) 234-7279, or
Essential Reference
-- CA
State Parks
Native Flora of Estero Bay
-- State Parks has just completed (11-2005) this wonderful
essential resource -- a 73 page guide to the native plants of the Morro
Bay area (11.5 MB .pdf file) written by Michael Walgren, Jeremy
Beaulieu, and Lisa Andreano -- front page credits list
CA State Parks (more)
Morro Bay National
Estuary Program
Black-bellied Plover
Also posted at
photos from Norma Wightman and
Gwen Infante's 11-30-05 Northpoint
Morro Strand Tide Pool Walk at
Composite Photo from the Nov. 20, 2005 Canoe/Kayak Morro Bay Event
has four new
Morro Strand bird photos for you
Photos from Barbara and
Ernie Eddy's Nov.16, 2005
"Montaña de Oro Bluff Nature Walk"
An invitation by Morro Bay Councilperson
Betty Winholtz to attend a
Workshop entitled "Planning Tomorrow's Growth Today."
Sat. Nov. 19, 2005. Betty says: "I strongly encourage
you to attend part or all of this free public workshop
at the Morro Bay Vets Hall from 8:30 AM - 1 PM.
Family members and friends welcome, young people encouraged.
Program objectives (besides food) include policy discussion
undue traffic congestion
adequate infrastructure
housing choices
regulatory effectiveness
energy conservation/pollution reduction
pubic expenses/revenues
cultural/aesthetic/natural assets. The County is the
lead and taking it seriously. Results will be compiled with
the other three parts of the county. Our coastal area
needs to be represented."
Photography Exhibit and Reception (sips and snacks) -- Fri., Nov. 18, 2005, 5-7 PM. Seawind Gallery in Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero, Suite #4, Morro Bay, CA 93442 -- Janice Peters, Photographer, (805) 772-4656 -- Kathleen Aulbach, Seawind Gallery, (805) 772-5808
Sat. Nov. 19, 2005, 9AM, Mike Baird will be co-leading with
Anita Zehnder, a brisk hike up Coon Creek in Montaña de Oro (MdO)
, called "A Streamside Walk" -- This is a hike in which many of
you have participated before with our
HikeMorroBay Yahoo! Group.
The CA State Park endorsing
organization --
this event as follows: Coon Creek - A Streamside Walk -- Much
of the trail follows the creek where you can enjoy the coolness and
shade of this riparian plant community. Coastal sage scrub, oak
woodlands and pine groves are on the steep slopes to either side.
There are still some wildflowers. Bring water and lunch. Wear strong
shoes, and clothing that covers arms and legs. Meet in parking lot
at very far south end of Montaña de Oro State Park. This walk is
rated Active ~4.7 mi., ~2.5-3 hr. Remember, this walk is billed as a
non-interpreted walk, unlike most others in the offerings.
This means that while we may stop and examine and discuss many
nature-related things along the way, our main emphasis will be to
get good cardiac exercise while enjoying the great outdoors with
like-minded companions. The weather has been simply outstanding and
we expect Saturday's hike to be in optimum conditions. Please
come and renew old friendships, and make new friends. You can
read more at about the purposes,
intent, and history of this particular Coon Creek Walk. For a
glimpse of what you will experience, please read this
photo essay of a similar walk completed at MdO just earlier this
Photo of the day (night)
Moon over Morro Bay 11-14-05
Canon 5D 300mmx2.0X12mmX1.4 1/320 f/11 ISO640
Photo from the Sat.
Nov. 5, 2005, 15th Annual Cayucos, CA Car Show
- Ocean Ave (COC)
New watercolor
drawings by local artist Rachel Winn Yon
In a major disaster, it might be several days before vital services are restored. Imagine that you have no electricity, no gas, no water and no telephone service. Imagine that all the businesses are closed and you are without any kind of emergency services. What will you do until help arrives? San Francisco's disaster planning resource provides Morro Bay residents with excellent advise as well... e.g., Build a Kit, Make a Plan ... article on "Preparing Your Family for Disaster."
Reading List Try to do list organizer
Docents are needed for Morro Bay State Park, Montaña de Oro State Park and
the Pismo Beach monarch butterfly grove. Volunteers are needed to
operate the front desk at the Morro Bay Museum of Natural History, lead
school programs, garden, plan and repair exhibits, and conduct family
walks. For details, call 772-2694 ext 105, or 528-8578 or
visit the website
Become a
State Park
of Natural History
Docent-led walks
Join the
Central Coast
Natural history Association
to keep up-to-date on
many local nature-related
California CoastWatcher August 2005 is published and available for your review at This month CW features articles on the Coastal Commission's decision to reject a proposed extension of oil and gas offshore drilling leases in Santa Barbara, Ventura and San Luis Obispo Counties. In addition, the Commission denied a resort proposed in Malibu in order to protect Solstice Creek, and ordered that the Trancas Homeowners Association at Broad Beach cease and desist from using ATVs and armed guards to harass the public to prevent beach access. Those stories, quotes, news briefs and more...
Western Snowy Plovers and Other Birds Morro Strand State Beach, Morro Bay, CA -- Oct. 28, 2005
Coast Audubon Society (MCAS)
Seabird Study Boat Trip, October 26, 2005's Master Table of Contents
updated continuously
"Walk Along the Edge" nature walk led by Norma Wightman on the Estero
Bluffs, Cayucos, CA 10-25-05
Central Coast News Mission blog at features "Central Coast Views from Cambria to Ventura" -- see also Central Coast News Mission Greg at
Silver Bush Lupine, Lupinus albifrons, Morro Bay, CA
Gregg Stevens Blasingame is a multi-talented Morro Bay resident (photographer, singer, songwriter and recording artist). Gregg's photography can be seen at (including photos of a humpback whale breaching off Morro Rock 9-3-05), at a pbase archive, and at a smugmug photosharing subdomain; He does wide-format fine art reproduction at (44" Epson 10600 Gi'clee Printer ). His music-related interests are demonstrated at
Juvenile Black-crowned Night-Heron
Four Docents Inspecting a Thresher Shark on Morro Strand State Beach
In a major disaster, it might be several days before vital services are restored. Imagine that you have no electricity, no gas, no water and no telephone service. Imagine that all the businesses are closed and you are without any kind of emergency services. What will you do until help arrives? San Francisco's disaster planning resource provides Morro Bay residents with excellent advise as well... e.g., Build a Kit, Make a Plan ... article on "Preparing Your Family for Disaster." "Technorati brings you whats happening on the web right now"
and print this free Brown Pelican photograph via
Sea Lion Anatomy and Pathology -- very graphical and educational (Creation of this site was funded by the National Marine Fisheries Service)
Morro Coast Audubon Society (MCAS) Seabird Study Boat Trip, Sunday, October 16, 2005, 6:30AM - 3PM
Morro Coast Audubon Society (MCAS) Seabird Study Boat Trip, Sunday, October 16, 2005, 6:30AM - 3PM. For more info see -- Morro Coast Audubon Society, in partnership with Cal Poly State University and the Marine Interest Group (MIG) invite the public out on a Pelagic Boat Trip to observe a seabird study conducted by graduate student Katie Gordon. Learn how this scientific study is designed to identify species and qualify abundance of the ocean birds that come to the waters of Estero Bay. Your guide, Kara Hagedorn, will share natural history information and help with bird and marine mammal identification on this full day ocean adventure. This is an exciting opportunity to see several species of shearwaters, jaegers, and other pelagic birds that rarely come to shore. Whales, dolphins, and sea otters are also likely. The Pacific Horizon, a 60 ft fishing boat with a galley and indoor seating, will be taking us out. Where: We'll leave from Port San Luis in Avila Beach and follow the coast north to Estero Point. Cost: $65 for adults, $45 for enrolled college students, and for children up to 18 years old. Limited to 20 people so please register early! Call Kara Hagedorn at 805-772-3915 or e-mail karahagedorn@[remove] to register.
Sat., Oct. 15, 2005, Hi Mountain Condor Lookout Project, 4th Annual Open House/ Campout (more info pdf brochure)
Check out Marc Kurth's -- a comprehensive gallery of quality Morro Bay-related photos Otter having breakfast in Morro Bay (must see these!)
Find volunteer opportunities in San Luis Obispo County, CA at
Morro Bay Harbor Festival Sat. - Sun. Oct. 1 - 2, 2005, 10AM - 6PM on the waterfront - more info at
Photographs of Birds of Morro Strand State Park Beach, taken Aug. 29, 2005
Dragonfly at
This year's SLO County Coastal Cleanup Day will be held on Sat. Sept. 17, 2005 from 9AM to noon. To help, please show up at your favorite beach (a complete list of participating beaches can be found at ). Reservations are not necessary. Remember to bring a hat, water to drink and sunscreen. Please also bring gloves, and a couple of grocery bags for collecting trash and recyclables (reduce and reuse!). Disposable gloves and bags will also be provided. If you have any questions, please call 544-1777 or e-mail miranda@[remove] -- Thank you for helping to keep our SLO County beaches beautiful! Miranda Leonard, SLO County Coastal Cleanup Day Coordinator, Environmental Education Coordinator, ECOSLO. 1204 Nipomo Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. (805)544-1777, fax 544-1871
Annual Rock n' Row - Chamber of Commerce
Sat. Aug. 27, 2005. Email August Phillips for additional info -
UPDATE: (the above web site says:) Do to circumstances beyond our control, the
race is postponed until further notice. We will keep you informed as to our
progress. To the seven year old that has been practicing, keep it up, we'll have
the race soon. We are very sorry for any inconvenience. For more information
contact August Phillips at the Morro Bay Chamber of Commerce at (805) 772-4467.
Cancelled, minimum enrolment not met
Pelagic/Off-shore Boat Trip, Sat., Sept.
10, 2005, 6:00am-~5:00pm.
The Morro Coast Audubon Society
sponsors this annual fall event. Where: Out of Port San Luis, heading
approximately 15-30 miles out toward the Santa Lucia Banks, all within
San Luis Obispo County waters. This is our annual fall pelagic
bird trip. (Sept 2004 Species List and Potential Species List available
on request). Expect a good variety of sea mammals also. Boat: The 65
foot Pacific Horizon. (See for photo.) Leaders: Tom Edell and Brad
Schram, both expert and experienced pelagic trip leaders. Cost: per
person $100. (This is higher than it used to be, but is a break-even
amount for MCAS. Last year several MCAS members sponsored part of the
fee for students and other deserving young people. To sponsor or
for more information, call Alan at 805-772-2026.) For more information
and application form contact Alan Schmierer at
aaschmierer@[remove] or call him at (805) 772-2026.
More trip information and the registration form is now online
at Heritage Shared's activities include educational programming, sponsoring public events, historical research and interpretation, preserving and exhibiting historical materials, and fostering cooperation among Central Coast historical organizations.
Read Nancy Revelle's blog and see her photo gallery (bird and nature-related)
(Photos) Least Bittern, The Cloisters Pond, Morro Bay, CA, July 11-12, 2005
Calling All Birders -- Your Skills are
Needed Break out those binoculars and spotting scopes and join other experienced shorebirders for the Morro Bay National Estuary Program's Volunteer Monitoring Program (VMP) fall shorebirding effort. The VMP is seeking volunteers with shorebird identification experience for a census on Sat., August 27, 2005 from 8:30 AM to noon. Under the coordination of the Point Reyes Bird Observatory, shorebird surveys were conducted in Morro Bay between April 1988 and August 1994. Using the same protocol, the VMP has continued the effort with spring and fall surveys since 2003. Birders will be observing from land with spotting scopes, from kayaks or canoes on the water, from the Sandspit, and from Morro Rock to the Rocky Point (Northpoint). Collecting these data will provide a view of the variability of shorebird numbers seasonally and annually, with the overall goal of tracking long-term trends. Shorebirds are an important bioindicator of the health of the bay and the Pacific Flyway. If you are interested in participating, please call Ann Kitajima or Annie Gillespie at the NEP office at (805) 772-3834. Please respond by August 19, 2005 to participate. |
Bill Bouton has some great area photographs posted at his Webshots site
Leisure Fine Art Studio by Paul & Susanne Leasure is worth checking out -- local artists featuring unique works of interest to to readers
(revised and corrected from 8-1-05)
Print this poster showing six common Morro Bay birds:
Great Blue Heron, Great Egret, Turkey Vulture, Double Crested Cormorant,
Black Crowned Night Heron, and the Red Shouldered Hawk. This poster
will print well up to 16"x24" (1.16 MB, 1964x1308). Click the above
thumbnail to enlarge.
Attention Cat Owners -
Parasite Screening, Sat., Aug. 13, 2005, UC Davis Study, 9:30
AM-Noon at Bear Valley Animal Clinic, 2021 11th St, Los Osos, and
1-3:30PM at Coast Veterinary Clinic, 1825 Quintana Road, Morro Bay
Presentation: Sea Otters, Cats, and
You! What’s the Connection? |
Front Street Inn Front Street Inn is four deluxe harbor front guestrooms above a full service spa and a delightful French Bakery
Rosenberg's Montaña de Oro Rattlesnake Photo
(<=click thumbnail to
Cat looking for a good home --
(Update 8-16-05, home found)
Please give me a helping paw. I'm a seven year-old long-haired
calico with a trim figure, thanks to a low-fat diet. My coloring
is of
equal parts black, white, and caramel, and even my cattiest friends
agree that I'm a striking beauty. I'm a sultry thing who is really
quite shy. I'm looking for someone, or a family, who will continue to
spoil me. I have no claws on my forepaws and I don't scratch. Since I
don't go outside, I'm not troubled by fleas. I like to be called Tigger, since I look just like a 1/10 scale Bengal tiger. I have my
own cat carrier, litter box, food dishes, and an assortment of toys, which
I mostly ignore. If you're interested in continuing to spoil me please
contact my human dad, Byron, at (805) 995-0176.
Tigger the cat
For Sale:
Dell Latitude CPi
D233ST Notebook Computer $50
Call (805) 704-2064 "Mike" - Morro
Bay, CA pickup only. Read
Leisure Fine Art Studio by Paul & Susanne Leasure is worth checking out -- local artists featuring unique works of interest to to readers
from Morro Strand State Beach 7-13-05
The above is a composite photo from the Seabird Study Boat Trip,
Avila, CA, July 25, 2005
Seabird Study Boat Trips, Monday, July 25, 2005 8:30am-4:30pm and Sunday, October 16, 2005, 7am-3pm. For more info see Morro Coast Audubon Society, in partnership with Cal Poly State University and the Marine Interest Group (MIG) invite the public out on a Pelagic Boat Trip to observe a seabird study conducted by graduate student Katie Gordon. Learn how this scientific study is designed to identify species and quantify abundance of ocean birds that come to the waters of Estero Bay. Your guide, Kara Hagedorn, will share natural history information and help with bird and marine mammal identification on this full day ocean adventure. This is an exciting opportunity to see several species of shearwaters, jaegers, and other pelagic birds that rarely come to shore. Gray whales, dolphins, and sea otters are also likely. The Pacific Horizon, a 60 ft fishing boat with a galley and indoor seating, will be taking us out. Where: We'll leave from Port San Luis in Avila Beach and follow the coast north to Estero Bay. Cost: $65 for adults, $45 for enrolled college students, and for children up to 18 years old. Limited to 20 people so please register early! Call Kara Hagedorn at 805-772-3915 or e-mail karahagedorn@[remove] to register.
Windows XP Tech Tips;
View Word documents using the free Microsoft
Word Viewer 2003
Resize images using Microsoft's free PowerToy "Image
Resizer" (This PowerToy enables you to resize one or many
image files with a right-click.) -
ClearType Tuner - (This free PowerToy lets you use ClearType
technology to make it easier to read text on your screen, and installs in
the Control Panel for easy access.)
More Free PowerToys
California CoastWatcher is a monthly Internet publication regarding proceedings of the California Coastal Commission and news of protection and loss of coastal resources in California. CoastWatcher is a publication of the Sierra Clubs California Coastal Program.
Scenes from the 4th of July 2005
Celebration at Morro Bay
(click the above photo to see an enlarged 1200x1500
(click the thumbnails below to see the fireworks)
July 9, 2005 Rock to Pier Run
For Sale: Dell Latitude CPi D233ST Notebook Computer $50 Call (805) 704-2064 "Mike" - Morro Bay, CA pickup only. Read Details - free
Central Coast nature-related photos suitable for 16"x24" prints.
bird identification site
and related nature photos from Morro Strand State Beach in Morro Bay, CA
-- photo exhibit of
nature-related photos from Morro Bay and the surrounding area -- local
Peregrine Falcon pictures and links -- a new site for documenting special events
and occasions related to Morro Bay, CA
Local Yahoo
A Summer Solstice Full Moon over Morro Rock, 6-21-05
Install the Google Video Viewer
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 28, 2005--Google Inc. (Nasdaq:
GOOG - News) today announced the launch of
Google Earth,
Google's new satellite imagery-based mapping product that combines 3D
buildings and terrain with mapping capability and Google search. Based on
Keyhole technology, Google Earth enables users to fly from space to street
level views to find geographic information and explore places around the
Key features of Google Earth include:
Free software download available at
* 3D buildings in major cities across the United States
* 3D terrain showing mountains, valleys, and canyons around the world
* Integrated Google Local search to find local information such as hotels,
restaurants, schools, parks, and transportation
* Fast, dynamic navigation
* Video playback of driving directions
* Tilt, rotate, and activate 3D terrain and buildings for a different
perspective on a location
* Easy creation and sharing of annotations among users
July 4, 2005 4th of July Events, Art in the Park See a LIVE WEBCAST 7-4-05 from
July 2, 2005, Sat. 9AM-3PM, Join a hike in Montana de Oro Hike "A Peak, a Creek, and a Bluff"
A Summer Solstice Full Moon over Morro Rock, 6-21-05
See photos from
Jeep King of the Mountain Competition,
San Luis Obispo, CA,
Madonna Inn,
June 19, 2005
Summer Solstice Celebration
Sat. June 25, 2005, 10am-3:30pm, Morro Bay State Park Campground
Photos from Northpoint Tide Pool, Moro Bay, CA May 27, 2005
Up Close in the Parks 2005 -- Art Exhibit. May 7 July 4, 2005.
Morro Bay Natural
History Museum
auditorium and the museum shop. Local artists
offer framed and unframed work celebrating the flora and fauna of the State
Parks of San Luis Obispo County. Proceeds from sales benefit the
Central Coast
Natural History Association (CCNHA), partners in our State Parks.
Seabird Study Boat Trips, Monday, July 25, 8:30am-4:30pm and Sunday, October 16, 7am-3pm. For more info see Morro Coast Audubon Society, in partnership with Cal Poly State University and the Marine Interest Group (MIG) invite the public out on a Pelagic Boat Trip to observe a seabird study conducted by graduate student Katie Gordon. Learn how this scientific study is designed to identify species and quantify abundance of ocean birds that come to the waters of Estero Bay. Your guide, Kara Hagedorn, will share natural history information and help with bird and marine mammal identification on this full day ocean adventure. This is an exciting opportunity to see several species of shearwaters, jaegers, and other pelagic birds that rarely come to shore. Gray whales, dolphins, and sea otters are also likely. The Pacific Horizon, a 60 ft fishing boat with a galley and indoor seating, will be taking us out. Where: We'll leave from Port San Luis in Avila Beach and follow the coast north to Estero Bay. Cost: $65 for adults, $45 for enrolled college students, and for children up to 18 years old. Limited to 20 people so please register early! Call Kara Hagedorn at 805-772-3915 or e-mail karahagedorn@[remove] to register.
Pelagic/Off-shore Boat Trip, Sat., Sept. 10, 2005, 6:00am-~5:00pm. The Morro Coast Audubon Society sponsors this annual fall event. Where: Out of Port San Luis, heading approximately 15-30 miles out toward the Santa Lucia Banks, all within San Luis Obispo County waters. This is our annual fall pelagic bird trip. (Sept 2004 Species List and Potential Species List available on request). Expect a good variety of sea mammals also. Boat: The 65 foot Pacific Horizon. (See for photo.) Leaders: Tom Edell and Brad Schram, both expert and experienced pelagic trip leaders. Cost: per person $100. (This is higher than it used to be, but is a break-even amount for MCAS. Last year several MCAS members sponsored part of the fee for students and other deserving young people. To sponsor or for more information, call Alan at 805-772-2026.) For more information and application form contact Alan Schmierer at aaschmierer@[remove] or call him at (805) 772-2026.
Donations Needed year-around to continue Morro Bay Mutt Mitt Program -- see for details
Enjoy this 1897 Morro Bay Topo map, suitable
for making 16"x20" prints.
this is a thumbnail,
the 680x887 version or
the 2041x2660 version for printing)
Saturday, June 4, 2005, 7:00
-8:30 pm.
A Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Public Presentation.
Beach COMBERS -- Keeping a finger on the pulse of the Sanctuary.
Hannah Nevins, coordinator of the Beach
COMBERS program (Coastal Ocean Mammal / Bird Education and Research
Surveys) will discuss how this volunteer program documents natural and
human-related impacts of beach-cast birds and marine mammals in the
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Cambria Vet's Hall, 1000 Main Street, Cambria, Free.
Contact: Michele Roest, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, (805)
927-2145, michele.roest@[remove]
Richard Rowlett's Piedras Blancas, CA Blog at
(updated weekly - Week 10 of 10
posted 5-30-05) has Photos from the Thurs. May. 19, 2005 Going Away Party for Dawn Mazzagetti, held by the Central Coast Natural History Association at the Museum of Natural History, Morro Bay, CA
Photos from an Hour on Morro Strand State Beach, Morro Bay, CA May 17, 2005
Check out -- exploiting the lack of data privacy in America. ZabaSearch makes it easier than ever to find comprehensive personal information on yourself or anyone else. Queries return information dating back 10 years including residential addresses, phone numbers both listed and unlisted, birth year, even satellite photos of people's homes.
You can view movie trailers and some free films at including
Craig Chippett, a visitor from Gander, Newfoundland shares this story of his April 9, 2005 visit to Morro Bay and three photos
(March 30, 2005) You can now electronically sign the "Mandy Davis" petition about "limiting or banning hunting on the Morro Bay Estuary" at -- or, you can access a written petition form at -- as a community service presents viewer comments and positions without comment or judgment.
Desert Flowers on the east side of the Carrizo Plain, in the Temblor Range
(about 50 miles due west of Bakersfield) -- submitted by Louise Abbott,
taken by her friend (credits to follow).
Morro Coast Audubon Society
Monday - May
16, 2005, 7:00pm --
Raptor Reproduction - Kara Hagedorn and Sunshine.
how raptors
their territory, woo a mate, and copulate. How do they choose a nest
tree and carry sticks? Anatomically, how do birds lay eggs? What's
involved with incubation and raising young? Join zoologist Kara Hagedorn
and Sunshine, a Red-tailed Hawk, for an up close program on raptor
reproduction. Sunshine was shot and unable to survive in the wild, but
every year she exhibits breeding behavior and lays eggs. Hear the
comical story of how Sunshine's April Fool's eggs became chicks that
celebrate Earth Day as their birthday. Members and
friends are cordially invited. Stay afterward for refreshment and
sharing. Raffle. The Congregational Church, 11245 Los Osos Valley
Road, San Luis Obispo, CA. The church is located adjacent to
Laguna Lake Golf Course, the first driveway east of the course.
Information: contact Rosemary at 528-8193 (more
Kids Beach Cleanup on Friday, May 13th 2005 at Cayucos State Beach, 10am - 2pm, Morro Bay National Estuary Program - for more info. contact Cheryl Lesinski, Outreach Coordinator, Morro Bay CA, 805-772-3834
Up Close in the Parks 2005 -- Art Exhibit. May 7 July 4, 2005. Reception 5:00 pm Wed. May 11, 2005 (public invited). Morro Bay Natural History Museum auditorium and the museum shop. Local artists offer framed and unframed work celebrating the flora and fauna of the State Parks of San Luis Obispo County. Proceeds from sales benefit the Central Coast Natural History Association (CCNHA), partners in our State Parks.
Photos from
Montana de Oro State Park -- Bluffs -
April 19, 2005
Photos from
April 12, 2005 docent
visit to
Camatta Ranch
and Shell Creek
- updated photo of the Mother Sea Otter and Baby at Morro Rock -- March 30,
Wander with Central Coast California Docents via the Internet
Cruisin Morro Bay
Car Show
May 6-8, 2005 - 9th Annual Regional Show
FOR SALE: 14' sit-on-top
Necky Dolphin Kayak with Rudder -- $600 - will deliver locally
(SOLD 4-27-05)
Monday Morning Mindwalks Q1-2005- 2005 programs will now run until April 25 -- Come to a Nature Program every Monday from January through April at 10:15 AM at the Morro Bay Museum. The free programs last about two hours and cover a wide range of topics. Programs fill up fast - arrive early to assure seating. The last talk of the 2005 series is ... April 25, 2005, "Taking the Pulse of the Estuary" by Ann Kitajima.
Unique Art sites:
Collective : A Celebration of Street Art
(very interesting - one could spend hours browsing this site)
The Propaganda
Remix Project (poster art)
We have not heard from Sharon Eckardt for some time - here she submits two new poems.
Did Pedro de Unamuno Really Land in Morro Bay in 1587? Probably Not!
(March 30, 2005) You can now electronically sign the "Mandy Davis" petition about "limiting or banning hunting on the Morro Bay Estuary" at -- or, you can access a written petition form at -- as a community service presents viewer comments and positions without comment or judgment.
Hike Montaña de Oro's Barranca Loop Sat. April 16, 2005, 9AM - 2 PM
Would you like to see your best Morro Bay-related photo published here? Just e-mail it along with a caption and how you would like to be acknowledged, to mike at (replace the " at " with an "@")
Photos from a Morro Strand/Cloisters Nature Walk March 16, 2005 - Morro Strand State Park, CA
Photos from Hazard Peak Wildflower Walk March 15, 2005 - Montaña de Oro State Park
Mother Sea Otter with
Pup in Morro Bay, March 14, 2005 at
Morro Coast Audubon Seabird Study Boat Trip, Sat. April 9, 2004. MCAS in partnership with Cal-Poly University and the Marine Interest Group. (MIG) invite the public out on a Pelagic Boat Trip to observe a Seabird Study conducted by Graduate Student Katie Gordon. Learn how this scientific study is designed to identify species and qualify abundance of ocean birds that come to the waters of Estero Bay. Your guide, Kara Hagedorn, will share natural history information and help with bird and marine mammal identification on this full day ocean adventure. This is an exciting opportunity to see several species of shearwaters, jaegers, and other pelagic birds that rarely come to shore. Gray whales, dolphins, and sea otters are also likely. The Pacific Horizon, a 60 ft fishing boat with a galley and indoor seating, will be taking us out. When: Saturday, April 9th, 2005 from 6:30 am - 3:00 pm. Where: We'll leave from Port San Luis in Avila Beach and follow the coast north to Estero Bay. Cost $65 for adults, $45 for enrolled college students, and for children up to18 years old. Limited to 20 people so please register early! Call Kara Hagedorn at 805-772-3915 or e-mail karahagedorn @ to register.
Dennis Sheridan Photography (most excellent nature photos) -- Dennis Sheridan is a native Californian and graduate of Cal Poly Pomona. His photography concentrates on birds of prey and native wildlife, as well as fungi, lichens, insects and wildflowers. He has traveled world-wide photographing natural subjects.
Visit the NEW "The Peregrine Falcons of Morro Rock' at
Bay Heron Rookery at Fairbanks, Windy Cove, Marina - by the Natural History
Museum, March 4, 2005
Morro Bay-related Nature Photographs
Photos from the Cloisters Park, Morro Bay, CA, Feb. 16, 2005
Morro Strand scenes, March 1, 2005
Elephant Seals of Piedras Blancas
High-res. version available at (alt.)
Morro Rock, Morro Bay seen from
Los Osos - photo by
Red Truhitte
de Oro Flower Display. The seldom seen Sticky Phacelias, Phacelia
viscida, can be found by taking a short walk along the Islay Creek Road
in Montaña
de Oro State Park (map)
map). The Islay Creek Road is on the north side of Islay Creek shortly
before Spooner Cove. The phacelias begin about 1/4 mile in on the creek
road. This is just across from the place where the creek took out a little
of the campground. They grow on the shale bank on the north side of the
road. The peak time for viewing the phacelias is now (2-23-05).
Barb Renshaw
Yahoo! Netrospective: 10 years, 100 moments of the Web
Cal Poly Brass Ensembles will perform an afternoon of standard
brass repertoire beginning at 3 p.m. Sunday, March 6, at St.
Timothy's Church, 962 Piney Way in Morro Bay. The brass
ensembles, which include a large brass choir, two brass quintets and a
low brass quartet, are directed by Music Department faculty member Keith
Snell. The ensembles include Cal Poly students from a variety of
majors. Pieces to be performed will include works by Giovanni
Gabrieli, Michael Kamen, Joseph Horovitz, J.S. Bach and Henry Purcell.
Snell teaches trumpet at Cal Poly and Cuesta College. He also
serves as artistic director for the California Brass Ensemble based in
Los Angeles and is a freelance musician and conductor for television and
motion picture productions. He has performed with Isaac Stern, Itzhak
Perlman, Yehudi Menuhin and Aaron Copland. Tickets to the concert
are $5 for students and $8 for the public. They may be purchased
at the door. Submitted by Melody DeMeritt.
The concert is sponsored by the Cal Poly Music Department and College of
Liberal Arts. For more information, call the Music Department at
Morro Coast Audubon
Seabird Study Boat Trip, Sat. April 9, 2004. MCAS in
partnership with Cal-Poly
University and the
Marine Interest Group. (MIG) invite the public out on a Pelagic
Boat Trip to observe a Seabird Study conducted by Graduate
Katie Gordon. Learn how this scientific study is designed to identify
species and qualify abundance of ocean birds that come to the waters of
Estero Bay. Your guide,
Hagedorn, will share natural history information and help with bird and
marine mammal identification on this full day ocean adventure. This is an
exciting opportunity to see several species of shearwaters, jaegers, and
other pelagic birds that rarely come to shore. Gray whales, dolphins, and
sea otters are also likely.
Pacific Horizon, a 60 ft fishing boat with a galley and indoor seating,
will be taking us out. When: Saturday, April 9th, 2005 from 6:30 am
- 3:00 pm. Where: We'll leave from Port San Luis in Avila Beach
and follow the coast north to Estero Bay. Cost $65 for adults,
$45 for enrolled college students, and for children up to18 years old.
Limited to 20 people so please register early! Call Kara Hagedorn at
805-772-3915 or e-mail karahagedorn @ to register.
New drawings by local artists Barbara Renshaw, Rachel Winn Yon, and Alice Cushing
The best and cheapest way to learn about computers and the Internet is to take the free and affordable "hands-on" computer classes at in San Luis Obispo, CA. Online learning is also available -- $5 per month buys you unlimited access to 34 different Desktop Computer User courses, including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, Exchange, Paint Shop Pro, and many others.
Download Google's new free Picasa Photo Organizer offers 10GB storage free, and 100MB download per month... good for storing and sharing large pictures, videos...
Sat. Feb. 19, 2005, Celebrate Morro Bay Parade
Butterflies are at Pismo Beach for one More
Month! (Feb. 2005)
If you havent made it to the Monarch Butterfly Grove this year, then
now is the perfect time! They have been hanging in their clusters just
waiting for these warm sunny days. Their daily performance will keep you
mesmerized! The gift shop trailer is open from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. daily and
docents are roving those same hours to answer your many questions. A more
detailed talk is given at 11 A.M. and 2 P.M. Come see us soon at the Pismo
State Beach North Campground in a grove of Eucalyptus trees just ¼ of a mile
north of Grand Ave. on the west side of Hwy 1 in Pismo Beach. The trailer
and docents will only be there until the end of February so dont miss out!
Contact: Ginny Randall 772-5883 CA State Parks. Common Birds of Morro Strand State Beach
Photos from Morro Strand State Beach Jan. 22, 2005
The Cayucos Land Conservancy was formed in March, 1999 for the purpose of establishing a permanent greenbelt around Cayucos. In order to create this scenic resource, the Cayucos Land Conservancy (CLC) has worked to set a goal to protect the following areas: The Estero Bluffs Property - north of Cayucos; The Antiquated Subdivisions - hillsides behind Cayucos; The coastal terrace - south of Cayucos. See or
Download Google's new free Picasa Photo Organizer
Microsoft offers free Anti-Spyware Software (Beta)... Worth downloading.
Yahoo offers new Desktop Search Beta... Worth downloading
for more nature photos
The Internet exposes all. Visit and see everyone in Morro Bay who made a political contribution, the amount, and to whom.
International News (world)
Kids Sleepover at the Museum of Natural History - Friday, Jan 28, 2005 Press Release
Eat Local -- Save a Tree -- A Fundraising Dinner and Silent Auction is being held Sun., Jan. 30, 2005, 1-3 PM at the Grange Hall on Hwy 41 located 1.5 miles east of Morro Bay. SAVE THE PARK, a non-profit corp., works for habitat protection and historic preservation. The current focus is to halt unpermitted tree cutting and girdling from Cambria to Montana de Oro. Eucalyptus provide necessary habitat for wintering Monarch Butterflies, protected raptors (such as the great horned owls, red shoulder hawks), and songbirds. Suggested donation is $20. Caterers Noah Smukler and Laura Lopez of Morro Bay use only local (in the county) meat and produce to offer a main course of sausage or vegetarian lasagna with trimmings crowned with a fresh lemon dessert. The Silent Auction includes a kayak tour, private yoga session, jewelry, and many other items. A free book exchange (bring a book you've read and exchange it for someone else's) and bakery corner (buy homemade goodies to take home--both low fat and total fat) will be available. A free tree will be given to anyone who wants one. Contact me, Betty Winholtz, for reservations, preferably by Wed., Jan 26. (805) 772-5912 e-mail winholtz at
2005 Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival
14-17, 2005;
* -- Unofficial
Bird Fest Maps and Birding Location Guide
"The Spirit of Baywood"
(Baywood, CA, on the Ross Bldg., 2nd Street and Santa Maria),
Joan Rainey Day 1-800-347-5307, PO 70, Overton, NV, 89040,
commissioned by Clare Telford, Los Osos, CA
error messages -
Zen Haiku for Computer Users
Your file was so big.
It might be very useful.
But now it is gone.
-- David J. Liszewski
The Web site you seek
Cannot be located, but
Countless more exist.
Chaos reigns within.
Reflect, repent, and reboot.
Order shall return.
-- Suzie Wagner
Program aborting:
Close all that you have worked on.
You ask far too much.
Windows NT crashed.
I am the Blue Screen of Death.
No one hears your screams.
Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.
First snow, then silence.
This thousand-dollar screen dies
So beautifully.
With searching comes loss
And the presence of absence:
"My Novel" not found.
The Tao that is seen
Is not the true Tao until
You bring fresh toner.
Stay the patient course.
Of little worth is your ire.
The network is down.
A crash reduces
Your expensive computer
To a simple stone.
Three things are certain:
Death, taxes and lost data.
Guess which has occurred.
You step in the stream,
But the water has moved on.
This page is not here.
Out of memory.
We wish to hold the whole sky,
But we never will.
Having been erased,
The document you're seeking
Must now be retyped.
Serious error.
All shortcuts have disappeared.
Screen. Mind. Both are blank....
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