Current year archives for are here
The BEST way to search is to use the Google search box above
Hold front page photo "banners" here - calls itself the best online photo management and sharing application in the world - has two main goals: 1. We want to help people make their photos available to the people who matter to them. 2. We want to enable new ways of organizing photos. My example page. 10MB of upload traffic is allowed per month for free (storage space is not measured).. views limited to the 100 most recent images. . and you can upgrade capacity for a fee.
You can make a difference - contribute to a Tsunami Relief Effort The following websites are validated as legitimate players, using the GetActive Software platform for online communications.
Bird Photos from Morro Bay Estuary next to Morro Bay State Park Campground, Dec. 29, 2004. Photos by Mike Baird -- Includes some experimental "sequences" (multiple photos of the same subject digitally merged into one image)
Composite image - two photos of one Pied-Billed Grebe are merged here
Dave Evers Design
Studio - Nature Quest Gallery - Studio Cafe --
Rob Appell Designs
The Cotton Ball
Photos from the upcoming Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival (Jan. 14-17, 2005) will be posted at BirdFest.Org. You can find birding links, and detailed maps and descriptions of the best places to bird in Morro Bay at BirdFest.Org or at
Willet with Reflection, Morro Bay estuary Dec. 29, 2004
This "Index of Pacific Northwest Bird Photos" by Christine Vadai is a pretty good reference for looking up photos of frequently encountered birds around Morro Bay
Times Press Recorder "Pulitzer Central Coast Newspapers" Read about the new "Seven Sisters of San Luis Obispo County" coloring book.
Nature Photos from Morro Rock (sea otter, peregrine falcon, gull), Dec. 19,
Nature Photos from Morro Strand State Beach, Dec. 18, 2004
Western Snowy Plover observed on Morro Strand State Beach Dec 13, 2004.
Right leg: yellow above, orange below. Left leg: white
above, yellow below. This female plover was banded as a chick at Fort
Ord in 1999.
See more
Nature Photos from Morro Strand State Beach, Dec. 13, 2004
Did you
know that there are "Plover
A resource site
devoted to the recovery of the Western Snowy Plover
South Bay Community Center has a new website 12-04 (Los Osos)
Microsoft launched a new search engine
"Plover Pie" -- A View from the Past, Snowy Plovers of the Pecho Coast by Mrs. McAbee.
Coast Audubon's new site
The Peregrine Falcons of Morro Rock by Judy Sullivan (information about docents and volunteers of the California Central Coast)
Photos from Coastal Sector CA
State Parks Volunteer & Docent Semi-Annual meeting Dec. 4, 2004
Experiment with yet another
search engine reprised by Idealab's Bill Gross (based on
pay-for-conversion versus traditional pay-per-click; a search for
digital cameras, e.g., on Snap brings up a sortable list of manufacturers,
specifications and prices.)
Morro Coast Audubon has a nice "Photo Gallery" worth viewing.
Nature photos taken near Marina Point, Morro Bay State Park, Morro Bay, CA, Nov. 30, 2004 -- More Local photos or; Photos of a California Sea Lion, Terns, Plovers, Pips and Willets on Morro Strand State Beach, Nov. 29, 2004; Photos from Morro Strand State Beach, Morro Bay, CA, Nov. 10, 2004
Google launches a new Research Tool at
The Zim Family Cocker Cam - fun video called "Kung Fu Fighting!" or darling Cocker Spaniel puppies at play. 41 seconds, 1.18 MB in .wmv Windows Media Video format
The law now gives you the right to free access (once yearly from each of three agencies) of your credit reports from Esperian, Equifax, and TransUnion. Note, for security reasons you may need to type in your browser address bar. It is recommended that you spread out your requests for free reports over one year. Reports are now available for residents of California.
Assist in loon capture and banding a few weekend nights during the first part of January, February and March 2005 (new moon conditions, Fri/Sat/Sun evenings). See and "Volunteers Wanted" Contact Darwin Long, Assistant Biologist, BioDiversity Research Institute, 19 Flaggy Meadow Road, Gorham, ME 04038 (207) 839-7600 e-mail "darwin.long at" Graduate Student, CSU Chico, 604 E. Ave. de los Arboles, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360-4751 (805) 492-9999 e-mail "DJL4LOONS at"
Morro Bay will start with a clean slate of planners
Dec. 4, 2004 -- Lighted Boat Parade - Morro Bay Chamber of Commerce (805) 772-4467
Double Luck: Memoirs of a Chinese Orphan by Lu Chi Fa. Lu Chi, owner of The Coffee Pot Restaurant in Morro Bay, CA ... more at
Microsoft launched a new search engine
Check out Sate Parks of the San Luis Obispo Coast for a Beta preview of a great new State Parks resource. (Nov. 2004)
Tognazzini's Dockside Restaurant, and information about the Bonnie Marietta -- a 38-foot fully equipped fishing and research support vessel, owned by Bonnie and Mark Tognazzini of Morro Bay, are featured at Read the weekly updates on fishing here also.
Google launches a new Research Tool at which draws upon newly developed algorithms to list the academic research that appears to be most relevant to a search request. Try searching on "snowy plover morro bay" for example and you will see the many targeted academic and government references returned This new free Google search capability should be of great assistance to our local naturalists and docents.
Copernic announces a new free desktop search engine (Nov. 2004)
Baysong -- kayak ecotours on Morro Bay -- The winter migration is on! Over 900 Brant Geese have flown into Morro Bay from Alaska. Ducks and terns are making a racket and enjoying the richness of the estuary. I will be leading two Birding Tours in November for Bay Song Ecotours where we will focus on Bird Habitats and Identification Sat. November 13th from 9 AM - 1 PM and Sun. November 28th 2004 from 9 AM - 1 PM If you are around Thanksgiving weekend come spend Sunday morning with me working off the bounty of food from the Holiday. Invite your family and friends. $45 includes kayak rental and four hours of education, $10 off if you bring your own kayak. Bring Binoculars, sack lunch, waterproof pants. We'll meet at the State Park Marina near the Bayside Cafe in Morro Bay. Call Mandy Davis to sign up 805-772-8796 or 805-788-4733. Hope to see you sometime! Submitted by Kara Hagedorn
Nov. 28, 2004 -- Christmas Street Faire
Morro Coast Audubon will be having a bat program with live bats on Mon. night, Nov. 15, 2004 at 7:00 in San Luis Obispo (flyer) (more at )
Port San Luis Marine Institute ... an opportunity for children and adults to learn about marine science in a hands-on environment and to jump start an interest in science and ocean stewardship.
Double Luck: Memoirs of a Chinese Orphan by Lu Chi Fa. Lu Chi, the owner of The Coffee Pot Restaurant in Morro Bay, California, looks back on a life that reflects China's tumultuous recent history, from wars and famine to Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution. Orphaned at three, Chi Fa grows up amid hardships that will be scarcely imaginable to American readers. "Chi Fa, you are lucky. Good fortune will find you," his beloved Sister tells him when, yielding to her husband, she abandons him on another sibling's doorstep. The boy is shunted among his relatives, sold to strangers and eventually rescued from them by Sister; he is beaten, starved and forced to beg. At 12, he survives a dangerous trek to freedom in Hong Kong, where an elderly man to whom he gives food fuels his dreams of emigrating to America ("In America people eat three times a day. In America they are too full to swallow sorrow"), a dream he finally realizes at 20. More at
Keep up-to-date on PC
technology -
Tech Tuesday and CNet's
Windows XP users should allow Service Pack updates to occur.
Learn about SP2
Don't connect that new PC to the Internet before taking
security precautions, researchers at the Internet Storm Center warned
Tuesday. According to the researchers, an unpatched Windows
PC connected to the Internet will last for only about 20 minutes before
it's compromised by malware, on average.
According to
Nielsen NetRatings,
broadband now officially rules the Internet -
51% of US online population now uses broadband .
"Search" technology is heating up... Try out CNET's new meta-search engine (returns results from many other search engines). Try out Mark Cuban's new meta-search site (shows thumbnails of results). Try out Yahoo's new LOCAL search engine at Get the most out of Google Search: Basics of Search Advanced Search Tips Definitions Spell Checker Froogle Local Search (try searching on pizza 93442) Site Search PhoneBook News Headlines Stock Quotes Web Page Translation Google Translate Tool Google Image Search Google Toolbar Amazon's search site just keeps getting better and better. Try yet another new search engine at
AmazingMail -- send US Postal Service picture post cards using your photos, without leaving your desk. This is an "amazing" service that most people don't know about. It is especially useful for communicating with people who don't use e-mail or the Internet.
Is the Morro Bay Estuary filling with blown sand? By Curt Beebe
The best and cheapest way to learn about computers and the Internet is to take the free and affordable "hands-on" computer classes at in San Luis Obispo, CA. Online learning is also available -- $5 per month buys you unlimited access to 34 different Desktop Computer User courses, including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, Exchange, Paint Shop Pro, and many others.
Buy Norton SystemWorks 2005 Premier - Single User [AntiVirus, Utilities, GoBack, Ghost, CheckIT]Local bird photos from Marc Kurth. More at
I have had repeated requests for a recommendation for the best "free" anti-virus software -- so, here it is: AVG Anti-Virus ( offers one free "home user" license for their Free Edition ( AVG Anti-Virus FREE Edition is for private, non-commercial, single home computer use only. Registration is required for download. For your safety, do not download from any other site other than Certain advanced options related to scheduling of virus scans and handling of problems are not supported in the FREE edition. While I still recommend using either Symantec's Norton AntiVirus or McAfee VirusScan -- if you insist on using the best free alternative instead, AVG is the best answer. Visit my PC self-help page ( for more on solving your computer- and Internet-related problems.
Don't like using Yahoo! Groups for group communications? Try using Google Groups (Beta).
Local Politics
does not support any local candidates or local issues, but rather
provides a forum for free-exchange of information.
National State & Local Politics - Guide to issues and candidates
Mon., Oct. 18, 2004, 7PM Presentation on Bald Eagle Reintroduction on Santa Cruz Island, by Jessica Dooley, in SLO. Related Flyer in Word format.
A National Geographic experience at North Point
in Morro Bay -- 9/8/2004
Just another day in Morro
Bay... reported by
Kara Hagedorn
Want to e-mail someone a VERY LARGE attachment?
Just go to
and your friends will receive a link to your file, which will be uploaded
and stored online for one week - at no cost. You can send files as large as
1GB. No registration is required. (warning, obnoxious misleading ads
appear on this site)
From the creators of the political satire sensation "This Land" comes a sequel set to the tune of "Dixie." The online animation "Good To Be in DC!" features the presidential and vice presidential candidates along with Attorney General John Ashcroft, CBS News anchor Dan Rather, filmmaker Michael Moore, talk show host Rush Limbaugh and Jane Fonda. "In `This Land,' you had basically (President) Bush and (John) Kerry," said Evan Spiridellis, who co-produced the cartoons with his brother, Gregg. "This piece is more about the whole town, the whole system." "This Land," in which Bush and Kerry took shots at each other to the tune of "This Land is Your Land," quickly became an Internet hit, viewed more than 65 million times since its July release as people e-mailed links to friends around the world, including Antarctica. The success led to an appearance on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno," during which Leno asked if the brothers would consider a sequel. "We eagerly accepted," Spiridellis recalled. "Once we did, we came back to the studio and panicked." Spiridellis said he is well aware expectations are high. "`This Land' turned out to be lightning in a bottle," he said. "You can't do that every time." Running at 80 seconds, or about 30 seconds shorter than "This Land," the sequel is now available at and Spiridellis said "The Tonight Show" is paying an undisclosed amount for premiere rights. Mika Salmi, chief executive of AtomShockwave Corp., said the company is preparing for an onslaught of traffic by arranging for more bandwidth and trying to sell more ads.
Tues. Oct. 5, 2004, 6-8PM - Morro Bay Council Member Candidates' Forum, at the Morro Bay Vet's Hall...also on Channel 20
owners: free parasite screening Sat. Oct. 2, 2004
Oct 2-3 -- Harbor Festival 2004
Another Microsoft security alert !- now it may not even be safe to view simple "JPG/JPEG" images -- To be safe, you must go update Microsoft Windows AND update Microsoft Office now! Here are the complete instructions.
This flyer has information about a lecture in Cambria at the Vet's Hall. It will be about the Davidson Seamount. The lecture includes information about a huge undersea volcano west of San Simeon, and the ancient corals and sea creatures associated with it. It will be on Wed. Sept 22, 2004, at 7:00 PM at the Vet's Hall. For more information you may contact Michele Roest from the MBNMS at 927-2145.
Volunteer for Coastal Cleanup Sat. Sept 18, 2004
Secret Safari fundraiser - Sept. 18, 2004 (best feet and pictures for PR - temp picture store, deleted)
An interesting article from the Asia Times on "Why al-Qaeda is winning" "As nihilistic as it may be, al-Qaeda is a major success: three years after September 11, it is a global brand and a global movement. This brand does not have much to do with Islam, but it has everything to do with the globalization of the fight against imperialism. And imperialism is widely seen as having its center in Washington."
The Foreign Policy publication contains fairly objective analyses of today's important global politics, economics, and ideas. Read this article on Al Qaeda, for example...
Try this new free desktop search program -- "The Search engine for Your PC" by Copernic. Related article
I highly recommend trying this new free desktop search program -- "The Search engine for Your PC" by Copernic. Related article
Looking for something new?
Free Legal Help
online for low-income Californians
Comic viewer
(works best with 1280x1024 or 1600x1200 display).
Dog Island
(popular hoax) Manchurian
(play on popular movie The Manchurian Candidate)
Landover Baptist
Church (popular parody)
reading, e.g., Democrats only should read these
Are you tired?
a LiveJournal Blog
Los Osos, showing where the new sewer plant is supposed to go, photo by
Red Truhitte
Goldfinch on a tablespoon, photo by Carolyn Martin
"Home Schooling" wonderful puppy pictures
Having PC
or Internet problems?
Visit our free Self-Help page PC Help
Keep up-to-date on PC
technology -
Tech Tuesday and CNet's
Windows XP users should allow Service Pack updates to occur.
Learn about SP2
Don't connect that new PC to the Internet before taking
security precautions, researchers at the Internet Storm Center warned
Tuesday. According to the researchers, an unpatched Windows
PC connected to the Internet will last for only about 20 minutes before
it's compromised by malware, on average.
According to
Nielsen NetRatings,
broadband now officially rules the Internet -
51% of US online population now uses broadband .
replaced by include under pchelp =>
"Search" technology is heating up... Try out CNET's new meta-search engine (returns results from many other search engines). Try out Mark Cuban's new meta-search site (shows thumbnails of results). Try out Yahoo's new LOCAL search engine at Get the most out of Google Search: Basics of Search Advanced Search Tips Definitions Spell Checker Froogle Local Search (try searching on pizza 93442) Site Search PhoneBook News Headlines Stock Quotes Web Page Translation Google Translate Tool Google Image Search Google Toolbar
See the channels in Morro Bay at low tide
in this aerial shot... Courtesy of
Laura Austin
For a lighter side of the political race... Bush vs. Kerry... go to
The Public Works Advisory Board (PWAB) meeting will be held at the Morro Bay Community Center beginning at 6:00 Wednesday, August 18, 2004. "Discussing the Options for Improvements to Upper and Lower State Parks Roads in the Morro Bay State Campground. State Parks is reviewing various alternative improvements to the Upper (Parkview Drive) and Lower State Park Roads in the Morro Bay State Campground. As required by the Coastal Act the California Department of Parks and Recreation intends to apply for a Coastal Development Permit from the City of Morro Bay because the city is the lead agency for the implementation of the Local Coastal Plan. Preliminarily to the application, State Parks is reviewing various alternative approaches."
Use -- to order custom T-shirts, posters prints...
Aug. 1, 2004 -- Merchant Street Faire
Hearst Ranch debate intensifies -- secrecy cloaks details of state's $95 million deal (more info)
Parks removes trash receptacles from Morro Bay's Azure Street parking
lot, presumably to reduce crow population.
Windows, again, now!
Releases More New CRITICAL Internet Explorer Fixes photography resource -- upload and share photos to the gallery - example - geared for professional photographers -- cool photos of the week manipulated images- some outstanding artist's website
Check out an open-content encyclopedia
Keep up-to-date on PC technology - read Tech Tuesday and CNet's
Watch Public Service video broadcasts from C-SPAN
Need comic relief from computer problems? The ultimate revenge for all the wasted hours your PC has cost you. Visit -- watch this video
link to Bravenet cartoon-of-the-day (caused beeps on front page)
Need comic relief from computer problems? The ultimate revenge for all the wasted hours your PC has cost you. Visit -- watch this video
Cal Poly's
Mike Stiles'
Chumash Rock Art and
SLO County Birds with and exceptional
Photo Gallery
You think Morro Bay gets crowded?
Janice Peters writes
How I Think about Morro Bay"
(living in the postcard most
people dream about visiting)
Faces and Scenes from the Morro Rock to Cayucos Pier Run July 10, 2004
Cayucos Land Conservancy Fundraiser Sat. Sept. 25, 2004
Fri. July 23, 2004,
Sleepover at the Museum of Natural History -- sponsored by the
Coast Natural History Association.
Tony Cornett's (The Fire Dude) "Morro Bay State Park Renovation Support Page -- By Concerned Citizens and Campers in Support of the Morro Bay State Park Renovation." As usual,'s linking to such "position" materials is done without comment or judgment, and does not necessarily signify our endorsement nor disapproval.
Urban Legends (don't believe everything you see on the Internet)
Where to find the presidential candidates' web sites (in alphabetical order): George Bush John Kerry Ralph Nader
"Dogs and macros" - photos taken today 7-9-04, testing a new 180mm macro lens, posted at (will be deleted very soon)
Evelyn Dabritz's
Children's Stories:
Innkeeper at Morro Bay
It's not Easy
Being a Pelican
Photo collage from docent-led walk Morro Strand Tide Pool walk 7-6-04
Removed from front page 7-21-04. Start now thinking of the Morro Bay Winter Bird fest: Media Release 2005 proposal. E.g., Visit the Observation Deck at the Natural History Museum in Morro Bay during Bird fest 2005 to see Winter in the Estuary a Refuge. The estuary is a refuge or resting place for many species of birds that come here for the mild weather and abundant food during the winter months. There will be mounts of birds of prey, shorebirds, ducks and birds that live on near shore ocean waters. Also meet various owls, passerines and even the tundra swan, our bird of the winter season. There will be birding from the museum balcony and many interesting talks in the auditorium as well. We look forward to seeing you!
Thurs. July 15, 2004, 6PM Hearst Ranch Development - Cayucos Community Workshop, Vet's Bldg. Check out for more information
Photos from July 4th 2004 Celebration Tidelands Park, Morro Bay, CA
Sat. TODAY July 10, 2004 -- Rock to Cayucos Pier Run
Birds & Nature
at Morro Strand,
docent-led walk by
Freeman & Worth Hall 7-1-04
Important Internet Explorer Update Available. Microsoft has released an important security update for Internet Explorer (IE). This update greatly reduces the impact of attacks against several vulnerabilities in IE. US-CERT recommends that users immediately install the update from the Windows Update web site. Also, run your Norton anti-virus definitions update again now.
Finding Fahrenheit 9/11 -- the 3-minute documentary that Michael Moore does not want you to see (file is in Real Media format)
July 3-4, 2004 -- Art in the Park
July 4th --
4th of July Celebration inc.
Entertainment in Tidelands Park starting at 1PM (fireworks)
Blue Heron,
Cloisters Park,
Morro Bay, CA
June 21, 2004
From today's Tribune, & Mercury News
Peregrine Falcon
sparring with a Crow,
NW corner Morro Bay High
School, June 21, 2004
Interesting things on the
Become an "ordained
minister" at no cost in no time.
Understand the
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia People's Army
Does a Ford
SportKa commercial show a cat being decapitated
by a sunroof?
Now even your
mobile phone can catch a virus
Listen to
FaithfulAmerica's peace ad
Salaam Aalaykum"
The Nation
- Unconventional Wisdom Since 1865
The Drudge Report
- hot news
White-Crowned Sparrows
White-Crowned Sparrows, Western Snowy Plovers and Elegant Tern at
Morro Strand Beach, Morro Bay, CA June 21, 2004
Laid Off
More reading delights
-- including some controversial
items intended to open your eyes
Know your Schitt (humor)
SimDesk may make owning Microsoft Office unnecessary -- a collection of Web-enabled office productivity tools that is accessed over the Internet from your virtual drive instead of from your computer's hard drive. This enables you to retrieve data from any Internet-ready device anywhere in the world, regardless of the type of device you are using... allowing you to create, store, and share personal documents from any computer with an Internet connection be it from school, home, a library or anywhere in the world!
Smoking Subtracts 10 Years From Life
Living History at the Spooner Ranch House at Montaña de Oro State Park and their related Yosemite Visit Memory Book Sat., June 26, 2004 will be a special Living History Day at the MDO park.
Internot: noun. A person who refuses to use the Internet. A New York research firm says regular usage of the Internet by U.S. adults has flattened out at 63% of the population. Further growth will require the conversion of Internet "resisters" and "unconnected" consumers, according to analysis from Mediamark Research. At the end of April, the firm said, almost 80% of adults had access to the Internet at home, work or from another location. Andy Arthur, VP of client services at Mediamark, identified a "diehard group" of resisters that promises to hold out for the foreseeable future, as well as an "entrenched group" of unconnected adults. "This could mean that as a medium for reaching U.S. adults on a regular basis, the Internet may well be at saturation." In short, the resisters have access to the Internet but do not use it, whereas the unconnected lack access. Resisters have a median income of $23,934, while the unconnected earn $19,571. The unconnected are also more likely than Internet users to be African-American or Hispanic. Arthur said growth in Internet penetration is unlikely without cheaper connections, more Spanish-language services and compelling reasons for nonusers to get online.
It's Sea Otter Time at the Morro Bay Museum. Visit Fredrika the sea otter on the observation deck until end-June. (more photos) Sea Otters in the Kelp Forest Saturday, June 26, 2004 10:30 AM Museum Auditorium.
Attention cats and cat owners!
Free parasite screening -- UC Davis study,
Sat. June 26, 2004, 9AM - 1PM, Coast
Veterinary Clinic, 1825 Quintana Road, Morro Bay, CA
Take a free
Test" (bad link?)
Is this a shark in our California coastal surf?
image for interpretation)
Morro Bay Kangaroo rat
(update 9-1-05 the "info" link above seems to be dead now, to
Son-of-a-Bitch --
Theory and practice of modern day lying
Kids! Learn from the adults --
it is OKAY to lie and steal
when you grow up you too can overstate
earnings by $2.7 billion and make millions of dollars and
be the envy of your friends and never fear being punished
Vast Majority of Iraqis Still Alive Saddam Hussein Freed On Technicality
Sea Otters are making a comeback!
Pelican at Morro Rock, Duke, Matilija Poppy, Finch,
Sparrow, Red tail Hawk 6-14-04
6-11-04 -
Wildlife at Cloister's in Morro Bay
Red Shouldered Hawk
with prey - chased by American Crow - Morro Bay High
Wightman's "Walk along the Edge" Cayucos
Bluffs 6-10-04
24 Photos - 6-5-04
Pismo Beach and Morro Bay
Four new
by Rachel Winn Yon
Photo of the day 6-8-04
submitted by Dorsey Tuggle
Watch this personal weather cam (Mike's)
Richard Rowlett's Piedras Blancas 2004 whale observation blog (updated 5/30/04 - Final 2004 entry)
Interested in the History of Morro Bay? Visit our Historical Tab.
Photos: Ranger Ray Monson's retirement party at the Morro Bay Museum 6-10-04
Google language and translation tools
Read another new "morsels" contribution by Sharon Eckardt: The Rapture Project
* Read the
Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest
2003 Results
World News Network
May - June 2004 -- Up Close in the Parks II -- 2nd annual art exhibit celebrating local State Parks. In the Morro Bay Museum of Natural History
Rockcod fishing in Morro Bay is open now and fishing is very good according to Virg's Landing
Political Commentary
by Arianna
Reagan, Hedgehogs and the
November Election -- June 08, 2004"
Visit the nearby Los Osos Oaks Nature Preserve
Visit beautiful Windy Cove, just north of the Morro Bay Museum
Learn all about Poison Oak in the Morro Bay area
photo of semi-annual
State Parks Docent
Meeting -- hosted by
Pismo Unit, Oceano,
CA --
June 5, 2004
"by-the-wind-sailors" or Velella Velella
on the beach this time of year.
Did Pedro de Unamuno Really Land in Morro Bay in 1587? Probably Not!
Los Osos and Morro Bay loses a beloved resident, Lee Broshears
May 29-31, 2004 -- Art in the Park
click thumbnail
to enlarge
Morro Bay Scenes
Cloisters City Park
<= click thumbnail
to enlarge
Birding Islay
updated 5-25-04
See photographer Gary Robertshaw's photos dedicated to the Morro Rock Peregrine Falcons at and see esp. May 2004 (falcon5) and May 22 falcon7 and May 23 falcon8; Three Peregrine Falcon chicks - fledging 5-21-04 on the south side of Morro Rock - composite image of 18 photos. Click thumbnail on the left to enlarge.
Sat. May 29, 2004 9AM Hike Barranca Loop
Original Harbor Hut menu,
provided courtesy of
Pete Thomas
web site
another )
(Grilled Abalone steak $2).
Sat. May 29, 2004 9AM
Hike Barranca Loop
May 30, 2004 10AM-1:30PM
Kayak Morro Bay "Last Sunday of the Month Paddle" - Coleman Beach
News Release 5-18-04 --California State Parks, San Luis Obispo Coast District. The Pismo Nature Center is looking for men and women volunteers for a few hours, one day a week to plant, water and care for flowers, shrubs and trees. No experience necessary. It is an opportunity to learn about gardening with native plants and to also gain personal satisfaction by improving your State Park for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Volunteers meet on Tuesdays at 9:00AM at the Nature Center which is located just inside the entrance to the Pismo State Beach Oceano Campground, 555 Pier Ave., Oceano. For additional information call Jack or Grace Beigle at (805) 773-2147 or Susan Grimaud at (805) 543-2141.
5-18-04 City of Morro Bay may sue State Parks -- City Council to consider last-ditch effort to stop campground remodeling project; 5-19-04 update, Morro Bay city officials are holding off on seeking a court order to halt the remodeling of the Morro Bay State Parks campground.
(click thumbnail to enlarge) (Our flags in full glory
in SLO)
(click thumbnail to enlarge) (Poppies in bloom in
(click thumbnail to enlarge) (Hike nearby
Cerro Cabrillo for a
great view of Morro Bay)
Is this a shark in our California coastal surf?
image for interpretation)
Click here if you are totally lost.
By request, and with
some hesitation, we present here a link to the
American beheading video
showing civilian Nick Berg beheaded by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and other
Islamic militants. This execution clip is extremely
violent and shows Nicholas Berg, the murdered contractor, being killed in
Iraq. Be forewarned -- the scene is graphic, bloody, and deeply
disturbing. It is your right, as an American, if you
choose, to witness such atrocities committed by mankind, in the
hope of better understanding the depth and seriousness of the worldwide
conflicts in which we are engaged.
You are warned that viewing this is definitely not for children, and maybe
not even for most mature adults. Click
HERE, and if you
agree to the "terms
and conditions" presented at (itself a
fairly disturbing portal for uncensored videos and images of abnormal
violence and sex in life), proceed. Here is a
to a few of the related
Abu Ghraib Prison abuse photos which are
alleged to have led to the Berg beheading (warning: these are very graphic
photos hosted at does not host this video material or
these photos - we are merely informing you of some locations where such
material can be retrieved.
Related prisoner abuse news via Yahoo.
discussion by (an almost totally unmediated, non-moderated,
uncensored, free, publicly accessible message board in which is possibly
the most dangerous place on the internet.) Note: You can find any
"fact" you want on the Internet - so don't always "believe what you see"
so fast... for example, [referred to by
some as "an anti-Semitic, anti-American, Hispanic
Conspiranoia organization"] contends the Berg decapitation was filmed
by the CIA inside the Abu Ghraib prison, and that the ultimate purpose was
to make
money in the pornography industry. Note: does not
attempt to verify or validate any information presented as "fact" in any
of the extreme links referred to above... nor do we necessarily agree with
or disagree with any of the positions taken. Related
[5-18-04 NOTE: Disturbing
Iraq-related material previously posted here [front page], has been archived,
and we return to presenting you more information about "Enjoying Beautiful
Morro Bay." Thank you to readers who expressed their valued
Disturbing Iraqi material has been archived -- we
apologetically return to presenting to you what we have always promised -- information about "Enjoying Beautiful
Morro Bay in a Responsible Way" -- Thanks to the readers who expressed their valued
* Learn More about Sea Otters & Elephant Seals -- Monday, May 17, 2004 10:30 AM Museum Auditorium.
DNA reveals wildlife contaminating saltwater... the main sources of "contamination"... are birds, then seals, and finally sea lions.
Wed. May 12, 2004 9AM Quarry Trail to Morro Vistas
"Mountain lion spotting worries some Morro Bay residents" Read the details at The Tribune site
Sat. May 8, 2004 Hike Coon Creek. Coon Creek Hike
Sat. May 8, 2004 Walk along the edge
"Adventure with Nature" docent-led hikes and walks (selected walks are listed below)
April 30th & May 1-2, 2004 Cruisin' Morro Bay Car Show
Sat. - Sun. May 1-2, 2004, Botanical Garden Festival at El Chorro Regional Park
Get educated, then give your opinion about "Welfare Ranching in Big Sur" -- from our friends at the Big Sur Introduction and StoryBasic Beliefs of Islam more more
Try the new, search, includes "book results"
Take the Morro Bay Opinion Polls (4-27-04 removed from front page... not closed)
N Bears
PC and
Fat Cats
Barkeater Lake
Tues. April 27, 2004 9AM Quarry Trail to Morro Vistas
Engineering Your Start-Up:
A Guide for the High-Tech Entrepreneur --
by Swanson & Baird --
online free at
Francke -
Iraq's ambassador to the USA. Buy
hardcover book or paperback
edition on Arab society
The Arab Shi'A: The Forgotten Muslims - see
Rend Rahim
Check out Godsendinstitute (did you figure it out yet?)
Sat. April 24, 2004 9AM Hike Barranca Loop web hosting,
etc. (Pete Gonzales, company rep., 11-11-03 introduced this site to me... I have no
experience with this company... looks interesting... more comments later maybe)
4-23-04 -- listing removed from due to
excessive complaints which I have not attempted to
validate personally.
Subservient Chicken
do what you ask --
how it works
Expand your horizons
- check out these
unrelated web sites:
* Urban Legends Reference Pages
Does a Ford
SportKa commercial show a cat being decapitated by a sunroof?
Shiori Matsumoto Painting Art Gallery
The Internet
Weekly -- In Celebration of the Individual
Air America Radio (a liberal talk radio station
about info)
Keep your PC safe. Update Windows NOW! Microsoft has posted several essential new Critical Updates -- at
BREAKING NEWS -- Fri. Apr. 16,
2004 1:15PM
Morro Bay power plant project gains another approval
The California Energy Commission on
Friday said it was reconfirming its previous recommendation to license the
Morro Bay Power plant project proposed by Duke Energy Morro Bay LLC, a
unit of Charlotte, N.C.-based Duke Energy Corp. In doing so, the
commission says it is overriding portions of the California Coastal Act
and the city of Morro Bay's Local Coastal Program which, as interpreted by
the Coastal Commission, could have prevented the construction and
operation of the project. Duke, which bought the plant from Pacific Gas &
Electric Co. during California's frenzied electricity deregulation period,
wants to replace the existing plant with a combined-cycle facility just
north of the current location. The project would result in an increase of
approximately 20 percent in generating capacity to 1,200 megawatts.
Approximately 30 percent less natural gas would be needed by the new, more
efficient, facility to produce each megawatt. The existing facility would
be torn down after the new power plant is built, the energy commission
The Harbor View project
15, 2004
Coastal Commission says no to Morro Bay building permit
Associated Press
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - The California Coastal Commission shot down a
request for a permit Thursday to build a four-story building in Morro Bay
that residents said would contribute to parking problems, clash with local
character and block views of Morro Rock.
The Harbor View project called for six commercial buildings and six
single-family homes.
Several residents turned out to oppose it, including Tish Tefft, who wore
a large, gaudy hat during her comments to commissioners to make her point
that the building wouldn't fit in.
"This hat is as inappropriate and incompatible with this outfit as Harbor
View is to Morro Bay," she said.
Dan Reddell, who sought the permit, said the project would provide housing
and benefit the community.
It was one of several projects the commission considered on the second day
of its monthly meeting.
Sat. April 17, 2004, 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Spooner Ranch House Bird Count
-- The Early Bird Gets the Worm
Sharpen your birding skills at the Second Annual Spooner Bird Count.
Observe avian feeding and mating behavior in a variety of habitats. At
1:00 PM
Freeman Hall
will give a talk on peregrine falcons. Meet in front of
Ranch House in
de Oro State Park Friday, April 17th. No experience necessary.
Every PC owner should
use Symantec's Norton
SystemWorks for protection
against viruses
on a
recent presentation
( related)
Read these 10 Tips for better e-mails
Dog skateboarding -- entertaining (.wmv file 757 KB requires a media player; big download. This is a temporary file, will be deleted soon)
"We print lies to make money []"
Mon. April 12, 2004, 10:15 AM, Presentation by Kristen Sanchez: Southern Sea Otters: How are they Doing? Morro Bay Natural History Museum Auditorium
Photos of a Sea Otter mom with pup, and Peregrine Falcons -- observed at Morro Rock, Morro Bay, CA 4-3-04
Photos of a
walk on Morro Strand
Morro Bay, CA
April 7, 2004
THIS IS A FREE COMMUNITY SERVICE AD -- Can you help this person find accommodations? Looking for a Studio apt. or room in home for 52 yr/ old man in wheelchair. He is a paraplegic living at present in Woodside rest home. SLO. He is looking for anything/anyone that will accept HASLO payment +. Would like anything accessible via ramp, and is furnished, any help at all would be gratefully received. as he is in an electric wheelchair. He can do things for himself. A room in a home. Time is up at Woodside. Answer via email Jo Pierce (run until 4-4-04) [removed 4-11-04] |
Sat. April 10 2004, 9AM Hike Coon Creek in Montaña de Oro State Park extended description
Coming soon - a revolution in e-mail by Google -- Gmail (related technical buzz)
Photos from a walk on the beach 3-26-04
A couple of Killdeer
in the
Cloisters drainage
area trying to
approaching visitors
Iraqis Drag Four Corpses Through Streets
By SAMEER N. YACOUB, Associated Press Writer
FALLUJAH, Iraq - Jubilant residents
dragged the charred corpses of four foreign contractors including at
least one American through the streets Wednesday and hanged them from
the bridge spanning the Euphrates River. Five American soldiers died in a
roadside bombing nearby.
¡ It is This morning ! Morro Bay Celebrity Fundraising Breakfast, Thurs. April 1st, 2004 7AM - 9AM Location is Veteran's Hall, Morro Bay... an event to help support both the Central Coast Natural History Association and the Morro Bay Chamber of Commerce. Tickets are $10 from CCNHA or COC. For info call 772-2694 or 772-4467. Bring extra "tip" money for the most fun.
Please participate in the community polls shown below. You can see interim results by clicking "View Stats." To get to a different poll (there are 10 total) refresh or re-load the page. Each user (IP number) can only vote once in each poll.
Subscribe to Non-Native Tree Society nnts-org Y! Group Issues related to management of non-native trees - send a blank e-mail to nnts-org-subscribe@[remove] (remove the [remove] from the address) or |
Subscribe to Morro Bay Day Hiking Club yet another Y! Group (presently not very active, but it could be)
Presentation from 3-8-04 Morro Bay City Council
meeting re: Tourism Development Study & Hotel/Conference Center RFP
project for the
Embarcadero Market Street Site
U.S. will review plover's status -- Agency to
decide if bird should be protected species
-- Subscribe to the related
no-dogs-morro-strand Y! Group. Discuss
restrictions to beach access on Morro Strand Beach --
send a blank e-mail to
(remove the [remove] from the address) or
Bush Urges Iraqis To
Amendment Banning
Gay Marriage
Mon. March 22, 2004, 6-8:30 PM Entrepreneuring on the Central Coast: How to Survive and Thrive on a Start-up Team -- SLO Society for Technical Communication.
Sat. Mar. 20 2004, 9AM Hike Barranca Loop in Montaña de Oro State Park. extended description
A new poem by Sharon -- Worm in the Apple
Morro Bay News experiment
of Natural History
Docent-led walks
Monday Morning Mind Walks (Jan-April)
March 18, 2004
Coastal Commission hearing (in Monterey) to
revoke State Parks plans to renovate Morro Bay campground
ribbon around this venerable tree indicates it is to be cut.
These old eucalyptus trees are part of the
campground's charm, and provide critical habitat for wintering monarch
butterflies, and other wildlife. State parks people think they should be
cut to make room for more RVs and because the trees are not native to
California. They aren't. But Monarchs have made groves of eucalyptus their
trees of choice because they provide better protection from wind and cold.
Dennis Sheridan - Wildlife Photography, more
Laid Off by OddTodd.Com More cartoons and games April Fool's Music Credits
Living History The
Spooner Ranch House -- Montaña de
Oro, inc. a new Yosemite
Visit Memory Book
Something new on the Pecho --
Living History
-- Yosemite Visit Memory Book (This material has been removed)
Mary Sadek's
For the Love of Your
Tide Water Inn
in Cayucos
San Diego man gets probation in spearing of sea lion pup
March 5-6 2004 Musical Event Madonna Inn women's shelter fundraiser... Janice Peters for info...
Morro Bay Measure F-2004 -- unbiased information about the Districting Issue
Feb. 25-29, 2004, Tall Ship Visit 9AM - 4PM, Phone: 800-231-0592, baywatch@[remove], 699 Embarcadero Blvd. at Marina Square.
Google Watch (educational) A look at how Google's monopoly, algorithms, and privacy policies are undermining the Web
Sat. April 10 2004, 9AM Hike Coon Creek in Montaña de Oro State Park. On this brisk hike, get some good exercise with other outdoor-loving companions, while exploring the riparian landscape along Coon Creek... admiring a variety of wild flowers, berries, shrubs and trees. Meet in Montaña de Oro State Park at the end of Pecho Road in the Coon Creek parking lot. Bring water and snack, sturdy walking shoes. (Moderate) 5 mi., 3-4 hr. extended description
Sat. Mar. 20 2004, 9AM Hike Barranca Loop in Montaña de Oro State Park. Great exercise, great companionship, and spectacular ocean, mountain and canyon views. On this vigorous hike, you will view Montaña de Oro and Morro Bay from the Ridge and Barranca trails while enjoying wildflowers, birds, and native vegetation. Bring water and lunch. Wear hiking boots. Meet at Ridge Trail parking lot 2.3 miles south of park entrance. Strenuous, 1000 foot elevation change, 8 mi., 5-6 hrs. extended description
The morro-bay Archives contain many of the past front page posts
Subscribe to the morro-bay Newsletter Yahoo! Group -- Major changes to this site and other news about Morro Bay and surrounding areas will be occasionally distributed via this "read-only" style announcement list.
(Feb. 2004) Betty Winholtz (805) 772-5912 has requested volunteers to monitor State Park activity at the Morro Bay campground...Betty states "Parks is closing the campground two weeks early, starting Tuesday 2-17-04, before they have official permission to begin any pre-construction activities. I am setting up a schedule where someone is at the campground literally every hour between 8-5 for the next 14 days to keep an eye out for activity. They have willfully violated rules in the past, both here and at San Simeon Campground. If there is activity the person can call me (805) 772-5912, the city attorney (City Attorney, Rob Schultz (805) 772-6568), or (and I'll check first) the code enforcer (Code Enforcement, Albert Sengstock (805) 772-6229) for the city." Posted at the request of Betty Winholtz.
Jan. 16 - Feb. 29,
Morro Bay Museum hosts the
Ventana Wilderness
Society's "The Condors are Coming"
Workshop Sun. Feb. 15, 2PM.
High Mountain
Photos from "The Condors are Coming"
1-15-04 Preview Party
Photos form the
2-15-04 Steve Schubert Condor Workshop
Sat. Feb. 14, 2004, Happy 40th Birthday Celebrate Morro Bay Parade,
Morro Bay Blvd. 10AM-Noon, Phone: 800-231-0592 (acknowledgments)
Here are
photos from the Parade -- "50 Faces" "Janice
Peters and
Betty Winholtz" and
"Betty w/ Gigi of 12.5 years--
(click to enlarge)
(click to enlarge)
and the nearby reunion of
Peregrine Falcon Watchers
Morro Bay Measure F-2004 -- Here you will find totally unbiased information about the Districting Issue -- updated statements from Janice Peters, Stan House, Norman Risch, Janice Peter's rebuttal, Jim Wood, Hershel Parker Norman Risch again , Betty Winholtz, Norman Risch again, Janice House (removed individual poster links)
Very spooky -- search for personal information about anyone at Spoke is an interesting new "portal" for finding stuff
Microsoft Warns of (another) Critical Windows' Flaw Feb. 10, 2004 -- go Update Windows again!
InstaPundit (Internet's most popular Blog)
Create your own Mr. Picassohead
out these
Kurt Wenner
(in chalk)
(<= click to enlarge)
Rabbi Urges Pig Fat on Buses to Stop Bombers
of God"
Helix Nebula
Photo of the Day
2003 May 10
Be PC safe: Run
Norton's free Security and Virus Detection scans;
Update Windows;
Install Norton System Works 2004
(Norton Antivirus and Norton Utilities)
Don't open e-mail attachments unless you know what you are doing. Run
PC Pitstop's free security tests Run
ShieldsUP! free security check
PestPatrol (~$40) -- security and personal
privacy tool that detects and eliminates destructive pests like
trojans, spyware, adware and hacker tools. Also,
Spybot -
Search & Destroy 1.2
here (free)
can detect and remove a multitude of adware files and modules from your
computer. <-- you may be amazed at the number of intrusive programs
that have found their way into your PC already.
Lavasoft's Ad-Ware
is popular, free. Get
PC Help.
Update your Windows operating system
Critical Update posted 2-2-2004
Sign up for the National Cyber Alert
System --
provides timely information about current and emerging threats and
vulnerabilities as well as advice about protecting your computer and
networks. US-CERT, a partnership between the Department of Homeland
Security's National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) and the private sector,
has been established to protect our Nation's Internet infrastructure. It
will do this through global coordination of defense against and response
to cyber incidents and attacks across the United States. is the latest greatest "yellow pages" service
History of hunting in Morro Bay
Everything you wanted to know about safety cones
found 2-8-04]
Found Lost Dog
Yellow Lab
(click to enlarge
Cloisters City Park
Feb. 6, 2004
Kathy Marti
Sat. Feb. 7, 2004
Annual Morro Bay
Jazz Festival 2004, Info. Phone: 805-772-4467,
SLO County Alerts from
- this will make you
cry or vomit:
History of USA support of Saddam
Hussein --
Military killing people
Bin Laden (warning - intense)
Super Bowl Coverage (2004)
Actual lyrics: "I'm gonna have you naked by the end
of this song"
If Janet Jackson's strip performance at the Super Bowl was
not planned, why was she wearing this jewelry?
She now admits it was
planned, and she apologizes.
Super Bowl Sunday (2004) a Poem by Sharon
SLO County Alerts from
Sat. Jan. 24 Hike Barranca Loop in MDO
Wednesday, January 7, 2004 Vol. 30, No. 40, P. 5 "Local Section" Central Coast Sun Bulletin, An Edition of The Tribune (Morro Bay, CA) "Local man's how-to high tech book is back."'s famous 30 second Bush Ads
News U.S. To Give Every Iraqi $3,544.91, Let Free-Market Capitalism Do The Rest
Morro Bay Bird Fest Jan. 16-19, 2004
Enhanced RU/DAT Project -- Potential Tourist Development at Embarcadero Market Street site... info
to appear if it is ever made public at a
City Council Meeting.
Note: Several months later... Jan. 2004... City Council apparently now realizes
the certainty of an overwhelming negative public reaction to a related
consultant's report, and it is now unlikely that the related documentation or
scheduled 11/10/03 presentation* to City Council by the
consultant, will ever
surface. It is unknown if public monies were expended in creating the
unseen and controversial "consultant's report."
RECOMMENDATION: 1) Approve the Request for Proposal (RFP) for both the
Embarcadero-Market Avenue Site and the Assessment of Morro Bay Tourism Marketing
Infrastructure with any associated amendments; 2) direct staff to make changes
as necessary and publish the RFP; and 3) direct staff to return to the City
Council with specific recommendations for the makeup and organization of
proposed review committees.
(<= click to enlarge thumbnail)
Here is a previously
unreleased photo of the
capture of
Saddam Hussein
Wednesday, January 7, 2004 Vol. 30, No. 40, P. 5 "Local Section" Central Coast Sun Bulletin, An Edition of The Tribune (Morro Bay, CA) "Local man's how-to high tech book is back." (warning, large file, 0.7 MB)
PC Magazine's Top 101 Web Sites is a good source for hard-to-find quality travel items (discounted Tilley hats, money belts, shoulder wallets, Pocket Socks...
End of 2004 Archives
Current year archives for are here
Earlier archives for, for years 2003 and earlier, have been migrated to this