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Circles of Self submitted 7-31-05Circles of
Self, like lakes overlapping at one another's shores, here lies the source
of our problems with each other. A Different View of Time submitted 3-20-05
I believe if people can learn to perceive time as Nowness rather than
linear that it will change the world for the better. I'm sending
one of my poems on a "Different View of Time." There are
parts. The second part is entitled "Frequency of Now."
Eternally Now, Sharon A DIFFERENT VIEW OF TIME Free falling into the future, we create the past. Falling into the center of Now we create history. History mandala of completed memories and events encircles us like the condensed rings of Saturn. Look around! What do we see? The walls of a room containing a small box of dancing multi-colored light consuming all our attention. The ass of the car ahead of us on the rat race freeway. Or, the lusty beauty of Life as we follow our dreams? Gaze out across the terrain to take in the moment. Sky reaching down to embrace the geometric shapes of Earth, ourselves at the center of focus. Start with our hands, our feet, expanding our view outwardly to full circle, scoping the horizon line of earth ship, our actions the center of our Now. Each and every being's actions, the center of a sea of converging NOWS exchanging, interacting, reacting. As we generate thoughts into events, time is falling in on itself, expanding outwardly from center of doings. Expanding outwardly from the center of deeds, like a ballerina on the tip of a pin, we interact to the rhythms of the converging energy transformations of each personal Now. WOW Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA FREQUENCY of NOW Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA | presents viewer comment on these "morsels" pages without comment or judgment.
The Rapture Project submitted 6-7-04
Earth years ago the aliens fell into orbit around the Blue World.
They were elated to find such a beautiful jewel, just like their
home world that had been destroyed by tribal warfare.
They had the technology to conquer the Blue World as their own, but
found that they had been living in low gravity space for so long that
their bodies had atrophied.
Because of their wimpy bodies, they were not able to withstand the gravity
of the Blue World and were unable to make landfall.
As the technology of the Blue World's dominate species evolved, not to be discovered the aliens had to move out behind the moon. They had been researching a great plan to enhance their physical strength. They created gravity by rapid acceleration of their space craft to create body mass. They worked out during these brief periods of accelerated velocity to build muscle but found this to be working too slowly. They also had to create bodies that could withstand the sun and the polluted atmosphere of this world. They made the decision to incorporate human genes into their physical matrixes. To do this they had to make contact with the Beings of the world of their desires. With this contact, they became infected with jealousy for the virility and beauty of the Blue World Beings. By beaming out discordant energy frequencies at the Blue World, thoughts of violence and intolerance are being implanted into key figures around the world. How long will it take for mankind to self-destruct so they can move in? There they sit waiting for us to kill each other off in a game called greed, revenge and avenge so they can take over Earth Turf? They will save a few for slaves. They call their evil plan THE RAPTURE PROJECT. Infected by their own discordant energy beam , feuding and fighting broke out on the alien ship. Than came the Blue World flue causing a great sickness aboard the now weakened alien ship. A message from the few survivors of the alien ship, the ones who disapproved of the discordant energy beam, is being sent out, but is not heeded: It's not to late for the Blue World. There is still time to save your paradise. The gravity of your choices and actions is becoming heavier and heavier. Reverse the momentum, slow the velocity of your destructive misdeeds. You are reaching critical mass! Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA | presents viewer comment on these "morsels" pages without comment or judgment.
Cellular River submitted 4-27-04The brain, a mysterious organism, never sleeping, | presents viewer comment on these "morsels" pages without comment or judgment.
Sticky Sea of Emotions submitted 3-25-04It's been going on for thousands of years Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA | presents viewer comment on these "morsels" pages without comment or judgment.
Worm in the Apple submitted 3-14-04There's a worm in the apple Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA | presents viewer comment on these "morsels" pages without comment or judgment.
Super Bowl Sunday submitted 2-1-04Super Bowl Sunday is a fun day of balls in motion. The cacophony of the roaring crowds, Oh yes, the object of the game, the pointy phallic orb, Pre- game show, half-time show bedazzles the congregation. Who wins becomes the lord of the rings, Losers cry, only thirty four thousand five hundred dollars each. What's worst, naked, ringless fingers. Commercials preach their product sermons. Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA | presents viewer comment on these "morsels" pages without comment or judgment.
Chameleon submitted 9-16-03Shifting colors, like the chameleon, Flick, flick goes the tongue, At the shark BBQ, Liberal Roddy, a very good chameleon interfacing with
conservative Robert. Skirting around the reef of political shipwreck Roddy, Robert and guests Each self we exchange self with, What is our true self? Is that when we express our dreams, our art, our
Does this all mean that the true self Does our inner light, our true self radiate harmony A lizard is a lizard, flick, flick goes the tongue. Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA | presents viewer comment on these "morsels" pages without comment or judgment.
Dew submitted 8-19-03Diamond dew drops dance upon Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA | presents viewer comment on these "morsels" pages without comment or judgment.
Mob Flashers submitted 8-18-03On the run Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA | presents viewer comment on these "morsels" pages without comment or judgment.
Haiku verses submitted 7-25-03Hungry coyotes, Kayaking, paddling, You do what you do Haiku, how are you? Cacti in Baja Bored dog in the yard, Sly cat on the prowl, Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA | presents viewer comment on these "morsels" pages without comment or judgment.
Following Picasso submitted 7-15-03
Following Picasso into Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA | presents viewer comment on these "morsels" pages without comment or judgment.
4th of July submitted 7-4-03
On the 4th of July, Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA | presents viewer comment on these "morsels" pages without comment or judgment.
Amazing Salad submitted 6-27-03
From the hilltop they gaze upon the salad, Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA | presents viewer comment on these "morsels" pages without comment or judgment.
Gaggle of geese submitted 6-11-03
Deep in thought, I stood on the bluff when Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA | presents viewer comment on these "morsels" pages without comment or judgment.
Traversing the universe submitted 6-6-03Traversing the universe, Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA | presents viewer comment on these "morsels" pages without comment or judgment.
There is no starlight submitted 6-4-03In the beginning, there is no starlight, Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA | presents viewer comment on these "morsels" pages without comment or judgment.
Tailgating Time on Highway 69 submitted 4-27-03A lonely metallic crowd meets on highway 69, Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA | presents viewer comment on these "morsels" pages without comment or judgment.
"Iraqi" Limerick submitted 4-26-03There was a young soldier from Hackensacky Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA | presents viewer comment on these "morsels" pages without comment or judgment.
Solar Delight submitted 3-27-03I Sun, have enhanced your earthly Live Force with my light, my warmth. Without me, you would not Be. I have watched you evolve and change, as you have watched me change through my eleven year cycles of solar activity. Although I don't understand your plights or your internal fights, we should be each other's delight. I hope that you know, without my light, there would be no plights or fights for you to find delight in fighting. Enjoy to the fullest, your time slot of Earthly Being. It's your moment to propagate anger and unrest into your biosphere? Or, it's your moment to restore, to resolve? Earth Turfers, you are scripting your ode to Life, as, I Sun, am celebrating to the fullest my orgasm of Life! After all, it's your moment to shine or to decline. Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA | presents viewer comment on these "morsels" pages without comment or judgment.
Pandora's Box of Fear submitted 2-12-03I'm Osama Bin Laden, playing with your heads. I'm Osama, ring master of the greatest Jihad on earth. I present to you, Pandora's box of fear and horrors! Open it! Attack Iraq, and you play right into my hands! Let the war begin! I can hardly wait to see the evil grow and grow, consuming all of humanity! I'm Osama, inviting your ship of fools into my darkness. The voice of logical reason speaks out. Let the inspections work! Let the peace keepers put a lock on Pandora's box! Let the peace keepers sit on Iraq for as long as it takes. Iraq is now occupied by the peace keepers of the world. No need for war. No need for bloodshed. America take heart! Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA | presents viewer comment on these "morsels" pages without comment or judgment.
Columbia Oracle
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"Plover Poem" Across the DunesKayaks beached on the side of a dune,
At the AKC Prim and Proper dog showAt the AKC Prim and Proper dog show, Surf thickened coat, bleached out from the sun, She was the envy of all the show dogs, Non of their owners allowed any of this. Show dogs looked up to their masters, pleading, Why aren't we having any fun at the beach? At the AKC Prim and Proper dog show, Didn't get it from a judge, found it lying on the grass. Picked it up, carried it proudly in her mouth. She knew what it meant, she was a winner. Everyone wondering how a beach bum dog, You might say, the Creator chose her Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA |
Conflict in the Bay - Hunters versus Kayakers
I got yelled at over at Midden point today by an angry hunter. I saw a boat on the beach and then this man jumps
out from behind At that moment I saw the decoys. He told me to go
down around the I told him that I wasn't going to paddle to Morro
Bay because the He kept screaming that it was illegal to interfere
with hunting and By now he was in his boat, so I paddled down a ways
to the north and he When I paddled back towards the south, I paddled out
to the east All the Brant were out in the middle of the bay so I
wasn't scaring off Could you put something on your web site defining
our rights to kayak When I got back to Pasadena street, I saw a
beautiful hawk sitting on Sharon Eckardt, Los Osos/Baywood Park, CA Neil Farrell replies: 12-06-02 Duck and Goose Hunting in Morro Bay, Conflict History Here's a little history about duck hunting on the bay. Every few years people get organized to complain about the hunting in the back bay. This is in addition to the annual complaints that are voiced every winter. And the hunters, the Black Brant Group, Ducks Unlimited and SLO Sportsmen, rally hunters and sportsmen from around the county and Fresno and Bakersfield to fight it. The Fish and Game is funded in great part to hunting license fees and duck and goose stamps, so they listen to who butters their bread. The last push to end hunting was about five years ago and at that time Fish and Game held a big public meeting in Morro Bay to discuss it. The Fish and Game rep at the meeting said that hunting would be allowed to continue in Morro Bay, period. There have been some concessions made, like limits on the number of Brant that can be taken each day (2) and the state parks took over the estuary areas adjacent to South Bay Boulevard and the Elfin Forest where hunters used to set up dry blinds. They were also pushed deeper into the bay and a buffer was set up hugging the shoreline in Baywood and Cuesta by the Sea in Los Osos. They are now limited to a narrow strip of water along the inside of the sandspit, running from just past the State Park Museum nearly to Shark Inlet near Sea Pines golf course. They are not supposed to hunt from the sandspit and must remain in the water. [Editor's Note 11-06. CA Fish & Game enforcement officers informed us in person that hunters can legally shoot from the sand beach even behind blinds if they are below the high-tide line.] The Brant Group also put out markers - long plastic poles - in the back bay waters to outline the areas where hunting was allowed and not allowed. The markers were supposed to act as a warning for kayakers and boaters to keep them from entering a hunting area. And it worked for a while to stem most of the dissent. The last time I was out in the back bay the markers were still there but the signs that were posted on them were either missing or unreadable. There may also be other hunting regulations pertaining to Morro Bay, like a reduced season and no hunting on the weekends, that sort of thing, but I'm not sure. You'd have to check the F&G regulations book, available at the F&G office in MB next to Carla's Kitchen on Beach Street. I think I still have a file on the last time the hunting issue was news. It's been pretty quiet for a long time now. I know it irks a lot of people but I've met a lot of the local hunters and many of them are respectable business people, firemen and even sheriff's deputies. I can't believe they would deliberately fire their weapons if there was someone in the way or it was dangerous. If they do, call 911 and report them. However, it is an open hunting area and any yahoo from anywhere can hunt there with a license and duck stamps. So like the tourism industry, you never know who is driving into town on a given day. Thankfully, the season is short and bad weather often keeps the hunters off the water. If anyone wants to see my file on this, I would be happy to oblige. If opposition to the hunting is again organized and rises up, I would naturally cover the story. However, as far as I'm concerned, these hunters are doing nothing illegal and do not warrant an attack from me. Neil Farrell P.S. Morro Bay is NOT an official bird sanctuary despite what the sign says on South Bay Boulevard. There is no such thing, according Bud Laurent, the former county supervisor and fish and game biologist. It IS a National and State Estuary and much of it is a state park. But, it is also a wildlife area that the Fish and Game designated a hunting area about 40 or 50 years ago. So there is a big contradiction in the government oversight and the laws. Typical. |
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