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Educational - Morro Bay
Morro Bay Book Discussion Group - a program of the Morro Bay Library
The Morro Bay Book Discussion Group is a free program made up of a community of readers and students of life interested in learning and exploring, who come together to discuss books. If you like the idea of discussing books you have just read or just want to learn more about a book before you read it, this is the place to be.
essential natural resource books:
Point Piedras Blancas, an Images of America book by Arcadia Publishing, co-authored by Carole Adams and John Boqacki.

The Peregrine Falcons of Morro Rock: - A 40-Year History - 1967-2007 by Steve Schubert
CA State Park's Associate Ecologist Michael
Walgren (mwalg at parks.ca.gov) is making available a series of titles
related to his inventory and analysis of local natural resources. You can find his invaluable titles at LuLu.com (free downloads, and printed copies at cost) at
Flora of Estero Bay" NEW
Print Version is now available!
A new plant guide is now available for the San Luis Obispo Coast District.
"Native Flora of Estero Bay"
covers the state park properties in the Coastal Sector, spanning from
Montaña de Oro State Park to the town of Harmony, and including the
communities of Morro Bay, Los Osos, and Cayucos. This guide contains
over 240 species descriptions.
The 181 page
color guide is available as a free download or may be purchased from the
printer, lulu.com, as a
book for $31.68 (this is the printing cost; no royalties are received by the
CA State Parks (more)
State Park Ecologists and Cal Poly
alumni/students Michael Walgren, Lisa Andreano, and Jeremy Beaulieu created
this guide using, in part, a grant from the
Morro Bay National
Estuary Program. To avoid the large file size at lulu.com (107
MB), you can download a 12 MB version from either of these sites, but
the image quality will be reduced:
mbnep.org/publications or
slostateparks.com/nature/native_plants -- Michael Walgren, Ecologist-San
Luis Obispo Coast District California State Parks San Simeon Sector 750
Hearst Castle Road San Simeon, CA 93452, (805) 235-3530, mwalg at
of Estero Bay"
Co-authored by CA State Park's
Associate Ecologist
Walgren, and his associates Rose Graef, Lisa Andreano, and Jeremy
Beaulieu, is
available through
http://lulu.com as a
download at
http://www.lulu.com/content/273492 .
version can also be purchased there at the production cost of just
$7.53 + shipping (as a public
service, there is no royalty paid to the authors, or profit taken by
LuLu). This brief 20 page guide
identifies the 34 species of butterflies likely to be encountered along
the coast of Estero Bay. Each species is presented with color
photographs of the upper body and under body and includes text covering
where the species will be found, host plants, and interesting notes.
This guide was published as a joint effort of California State Parks and
the Morro Bay National Estuary Program. http://www.lulu.com/content/273492 --
Download: 1 documents (PDF), 10884 KB,
Printed: 20 pages, 6.00" x 9.00", saddle-stitch binding,
full-color interior ink, ISBN: 978-1-4116-9780-5, Publisher:
Michael Walgren, Copyright:
© 2006 m. walgren, r. graef, l. andreano. j. beaulieu |
Michael Walgren et al. have
Flora and Fauna Guides for the Morro Bay
Area -- Created by Morro Bay State Park staff with the help of a
mini-grant, each guide includes both photos and a written
description of species found in and around the Morro Bay Estuary.
publications which are available now online may also
migrate into higher-resolution download and print versions at
http://www.lulu.com/michaelwalgren. |
slostateparks.com/nature |
mbnep.org/publications |
Wildlife -- Discover the wildlife of the State Parks of the
San Luis Obispo Coast |
(less than 1 MB)
Amphibians and Reptiles
(2.7 MB)
(less than 1 MB) |
Monarch Butterflies -- The Monarch Grove at Pismo State
Beach is publicly owned assuring its protection into the foreseeable
future |
(2.8 MB)
Birds -- Discover the birds of the State Parks of the San
Luis Obispo Coast |
(1 MB)
Native Plants -- Native plants in California are those that
grew here prior to European contact |
(11.5 MB) |
local nature-related book available "Common
Lichens of the Estero Bay Area" - free download or
purchase at-cost. Lisa Andreano, Environmental Scientist for
the CA State Parks Coastal Sector, has just completed this 68
page color guide. This guide is part of a series of guides
funded by the NEP, and includes color photographs and descriptions.
An expanded species list is included. The project represents
a portion of Lisa's Master's dissertation and is the result of a
grant from the Morro Bay National Estuary Program. Lisa and the
NEP have made a
PDF version of this guide available to the public for free at
lulu.com, or you may purchase a copy (at printing coast; no
royalties to author) at lulu.com for $14.73 plus a $1.91 USPS Media
Mail fee = $16.64 total delivered to you mailbox.
http://www.lulu.com/content/578604 |
Other local educational resources: |
38 page 9"x7" color book "San Luis Obispo County California
Nature Photographers -- Their Works and Techniques: Interviews with
local nature photographers about how they take such great photos"
Edited by Michael L. Baird with contributing photographers Joyce
Cory, Joe Dickerson, Carol DiNolfo, Rich Hansen, Marlin Harms, Garry
Johnson, Teddy Llovet, Cleve Nash, Gary Robertshaw, Dennis Sheridan,
and Greg Smith, is available at
lulu.com/mikebaird. You can download a free PDF version (17 MB)
or order a printed copy at the production and shipping cost of
$10.23 + $1.91 = $12.14. As a community service by the books'
contributors there is no royalty or profit being made on the sales
of this book from lulu.com. Be sure to select "US Postal Regular
Media Mail" to get the lowest $1.91 shipping cost. |
Jan. 2008 Marlin
Harms, local photographer, has a beautiful 68 page 10"x8"
Blurb book "The
Magic of Birds, Light & Water" Published: December 2, 2007. Get
it at
http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/129668 ($21.95
softcover; $34.95 hardcover). You can read
Marlin Harms'
biography at
http://morro-bay.com/digitalchocolate/howto// in our recent joint publication "San
Luis Obispo County California Nature Photographers -- Their Works
and Techniques: Interviews with local nature photographers about how
they take such great photos" - available at
http://www.lulu.com/content/440520 (38 pages, 9" x 7",
$10.23 hardcopy, or free pdf download). |
Ken Bondy and Gary Powell launch Morro Bay Underwater Morro Bay Underwater - belowmorrobay.com - a must-visit photo web site of life under the Morro Bay T-pier and more. |
A reminder link to these books can always be found on
the "educational tab" of morro-bay.com at
MIT's OpenCourseWare
a free and open educational resource for faculty, students, and
self-learners around the world. OCW supports MIT's mission to advance knowledge
and education, and serve the world in the 21st century. It is true to MIT's
values of excellence, innovation, and leadership.
Port San Luis Marine Institute
http://pslmi.org/ ...
an opportunity for children and adults to learn about marine science in a hands-on environment and to jump start an interest in science and ocean stewardship.
The best and cheapest way to learn about computers and the Internet is to
take the free and affordable
"hands-on" computer classes at KCBX.net in San Luis Obispo, CA.
learning is also available --
$5 per month buys you unlimited
access to 34 different Desktop Computer User courses, including Microsoft
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, Exchange, Paint Shop Pro, and
many others.
Sea Lion Anatomy and Pathology
-- very graphical and educational
http://roscoe.ucsc.edu/sealion/ (Creation
of this site was funded by the National Marine Fisheries Service)
Wildware.net makes
interactive kiosks and CD-ROMs, etc. for nature-related organizations,
including the
Exploring Morro
Bay Estuary Interactive Kiosk developed for Friends of Los Osos
http://www.centralcoastvillagecenter.org/ ...
a non-profit, non-sectarian organization located in San
Luis Obispo, California... dedicated to building a strong community of
children, families and adults through nature-based and alternative
educational programs
for Biological Diversity -- Combining conservation biology with
litigation, policy advocacy, and an innovative strategic vision, the
Center for Biological Diversity is working to secure a future for
animals and plants hovering on the brink of extinction, for the
wilderness they need to survive, and by extension for the spiritual
welfare of generations to come.
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary - Coastal Discovery Center
- at San Simeon Bay (Fact Sheet:
pdf); Call for volunteers:
photography in Morro Bay by
Ken Bondy and Gary
Powell showing amazing photos of plant and animal life from "muck dives"
under the Morro Bay, CA North T-Pier
- see also
www.kenbondy.com/digital.htm and
Research Report on the Introcuded Red Fox in California. See my related Flickr images http://flickr.com/photos/mikebaird/sets/72157605278017741/
Central Coast Book & Author Festival to benefit the Foundation for San Luis Obispo Public Libraries.