
algae4.jpg (30769 bytes) Red stuff.
kelp2.jpg (75683 bytes) Another clump of the unidentified red stuff. It is probably a plant because it is not calcified. It may be a red alga. There are four types of algae: blue-green, green, brown and red. All of these are found in the Cove. Red algae grow mainly below the inter-tidal zone, and wash into the beach.
macocys.jpg (63740 bytes) Giant Kelp

This is the “forest” plant that Carol and Phil Adams talk about in their wonderful Adventures With Nature walk: “Sea Otters and The Forest.”

Brown alga.

ulva.jpg (32222 bytes) Sea Lettuce/Ulva, two cells thick.
Ulva.jpg (66219 bytes) Ulva 
kelp3.jpg (91219 bytes) Entermorpha
ENTEROM.JPG (68484 bytes) Enteromorpha.  Feel it. It is slippery. Many water plants are slippery. This helps prevent tearing of the plant when the leaves get tangled.

Enteromorpha is a green alga, that somewhat resembles link sausage in shape. During the day, oxygen bubbles form inside it, a by-product of photosynthesis. You may cut a one inch strand and carry it to the Museum in a Petri dish with a drop of seawater, to look at under the microscope.  
The walls of the oxygen chambers are said to be only one cell thick.
green.jpg (37067 bytes) Enteromorpha 

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Revised Monday, February 18, 2008 02:25:39 PM