Mike Baird's Personal Bird
Fest Notes
Looking for the
Official Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival Site?
The Morro Bay, CA Winter Bird Festival is held every January on
the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend (January 18-21 in 2008)
Go to
the official site now =>
(the same as
Event publicity photos are posted at a Flickr Group - Join the group at and you can add your photos as well. The group description is: Morro Bay, CA Winter Bird Festival event photos taken by Michael Mike L. Baird, and Kevin Cole, and others as we find them. These photos are intended to be used in future publicity or in any other way desired by the event organizers. Please post full-resolution photos with Creative Commons license "Attribution Creative Commons" - "Some rights reserved." per
Bird checklists (detailed working versions as
of 11-21-06)
1 of 2
2 of 2
(these are Microsoft Word documents) subject to change - see the
site for updates
See a pretty Say's Phoebe seen south of the Morro Bay State Park
Marina Jan. 17, 2006
(click the image above to see a larger
Here is a Lesser Scaup seen at the Morro Bay State Park
Marina Jan. 17, 2006
Notes from the Jan. 13-16,
2006 Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival
Morro Bay Bird Festival: Boat Trip in Morro Bay Jan. 15, 2006 and Observations
at Morro Rock Jan. 14, 2006 (Peregrine Falcons, Oystercatcher, and People)
Notes from Jan. 14-17, 2005 Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival
Copyright © 2008 Michael L. Baird, All Rights Reserved
BirdFest.Org is a trademark of Michael L. Baird
mike [at} mikebaird d o t com
January 18, 2008 02:45:48 PM