Description: Meet and walk from the State Park parking lot at the west end of Azure Street in north Morro Bay (North end of Cloisters), through the dunes and notice the stabilizing plants. Along the beach observe specialized shorebird and pelagic bird feeding techniques. Binoculars suggested. (Moderate) 1-1.5 mi. 2 hr.
The following are a few photos taken during this outing. Click a thumbnail below to enlarge.
Our entertaining and highly knowledgeable lead docent was Dr. Freeman Hall, assisted by volunteer Worth Hall.
Freeman Hall
one of the most knowledgeable and respected docents
in the San Luis Obispo Coast District State Parks Docents group, led a group of
ten fascinated participants
on this beautiful sunny day. Of the many species of plants
animals, and birds identified
particular delight was had in examining this Thornback Shark
these Heermanns Gulls
Long-billed Curlews
and these Sanderlings
A large flock of Royal Terns
colored the beach and sky. The finale was the observation of about 35
endangered Snowy Plovers