Working Groups
1. Short Term Finance -- Identify sources and secure seed money to fund the activities of the Committee.  Funds will be used for general operating functions of the Committee such as transportation and supplies.  Funds could also be allocated to consultants or other professional assistance to help the Committee in developing a preliminary plan.  This is likely grant money.

2. Existing Site Research -- This working group will deal with the site itself.  How big is the site?  How much is usable (excluding the cultural, biological, and other constraints?  It will inventory and evaluate the architectural value and functionality of the buildings on the site.  The Working Group will identify lot lines, zoning, etc. of the plant site and adjoining properties including the switchyard and city-owned property.

3. Community Communications -- Obtain and document input from public and private sources including individuals, business groups, private organizations, local and regional government, regional industry and other stakeholders.  This Working Group will be responsible to communicate actions, progress and information to all interested parties and for the preparation and distribution of press releases.

4. Local, State and Federal Regulators and Other Interested Parties – Identify relevant regulatory entities, document their interests and concerns, determine their jurisdiction and regulatory power.