This is a public forum associated with the NEWFutures committee, Morro Bay, CA - For citizen input on future use of the Morro Bay power plant site. Using this group is the way to get involved with the NEW Futures committee - this is a PUBLIC open forum where you can ask any question, get fast answers, contest other points of view, and interact with all committee members and interested members of the public. This is a fast-paced non-bureaucratic forum where ideas are freely exchanged and exposed in public - just like in a town hall meeting but without the delays, limitations on speaking time or turns, or the need to assemble in person at the same time. Posts must be on-topic and non-defamatory. Anyone who joins the group can post.  All posts are moderated.  Replies go to all members, not just the original poster.  Caution: As always, you should treat every e-mail you send, whether to an individual or to a list, as potentially being read by someone whom you would rather not see it. E-mails sent by you can, by mistake or intentionally, get forwarded, blind cc:d, and replicated without your consent - that is the nature of the Internet. is the related official website.  On January 25, 2006 the Morro Bay, CA City Council appointed 12 residents of Morro Bay and neighboring communities to an ad hoc committee for the purpose of evaluating options that may be available to the City of Morro Bay, CA relating to the future use of the power plant site in Morro Bay, approximately 107 acres. See  for more information.